You Won't Want Me Anymore - Seulrene

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Warnings: Fluff, ABO

Wherein an emotional pregnant!omega!joohyun keeps her pregnancy from her alpha!seulgi.

Author's pov

Joohyun sighed for the 5th time as she wrapped the small rectangular object in a piece of tissue and threw it inside the trash can..

After fixing herself, she went out and stood infront of the mirror, check herself out and frowning, "I feel fat.." She said even though not a bit has changed..

Wondering why she's like that? She had just found out she's pregnant and thinks that her alpha wouldn't like her anymore..

Stupid right? Blame her pregnant hormones..

"Seul won't like me anymore, she'll think I'm fat and that I'm a old hag when my back starts to hurt and that I'm a helpless woman who demands a lot when my cravings show up..." She said to herself as she hugged her shoulders, tears falling down her eyes...

She then walked to the bed and sat down with her head down as she continued to cry..

Meanwhile, Seulgi had just arrived their house and was surprised to see no Joohyun waiting in their front lawn...

She walked inside the house and called out to her wife and mate, "Joohyun-ah! I'm home, jagi!" She joyfully said...

Joohyun jolted up and quickly dried her tears...

"Jagi?" Seulgi called out once she saw no familiar omega...

Her eyebrows knitted together and quickly went up the stairs...

She then rushed to the bedroom and was about to open the door when it opened first...


They both said in surprise once they saw each other..

Seulgi then immediately engulfed her wife in a tight embrace, "Hey, I was looking for you, baby.."

"Sorry, I was in the bathroom..." Irene lied as she buried her head in Seulgi's shoulder...

Seulgi then sensed the tense state of the omega and then release her citrus scent to help her relax...

"Hyunnie, is there anything wrong?" She asked...

"N-no, nothing's wrong, j-jagi.." Irene cursed mentally as she stuttered..

"Sure, ok.." Seulgi decided not to push that much..

"Anyways, let's get you some food? I know you're hungry already, jagi.." Joohyun said, trying to change the topic...

Before Seulgi could even respond, she already got pulled to the kitchen...

2 months later...

Joohyun sat on the bench in their front lawn as she waited...

She fiddled with the ends of Seulgi's oversized sweater as she sighed...

It's been 2 months since her pregnancy and she's grateful Seulgi hasn't noticed her sudden cravings, clingyness, and the way she've been wearing her big clothes, she thought it might be because she's always been like that ever since they dated anyways...

She's also been thankful for the existence of scent concealers as it help her cover up her changing scent and she's sure her mate wouldn't able to tell she's even pregnant..

She was brought back to reality once she heard a car horn...

Looking up, she saw that Seul had arrived...

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