Chapter 6: Nune's Wrath & Boun's Love

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"Nune, was gifted with the ability to move within all realms. She's a Spirit Guide...your Spirit Guide." My father explained.

"Mine!?" I yelped gesturing to myself. Was this why I felt like I knew her?

"I've been with you for many lifetimes Prem." Her voice was thick with raw emotion. "I failed you more than once, and for that I am truly sorry. Please let me help you now."

"How?" I whispered defenselessly.

"Sect Leader Hargate is the granddaughter of King Hargate; she wants to start an uprising, by convincing all sects that you are not fit to rule by Boun's side."

"What if I'm not?" I didn't even know how to use my ability.

"You are." My father and Nune both said simultaneously.

"If you allow me the honor, I will train you to become the most powerful time traveler/controller that ever existed."

It didn't take long for me to make my decision. 

Note: Nune's voice is italicized because only Prem can hear her when she speaks.

💘 The Unseen 💘

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💘 The Unseen 💘

"Prince Prem, can you hear me?" Dr. Phibunthanakiet's voice rang in my ears. "I think he's waking up, everyone come quick!"

I heard some movement as my eyes fluttered open, the first very worried face I saw was Boun's.

"Oh, thank goodness!" He leaned forward and kissed my forehead. "I was so worried when you collapsed. Are you alright Prem?"

I parted my lips and attempted to speak but my throat was so dry. I swallowed hard and then croaked, "Water."

He helped me sit up and rest my back against the headboard before offering me the glass. After taking a few gulps, I started taking in my surroundings.

Boun's entire family. So many worried faces staring back at me.

Though it felt like I had only spent a few minutes with my dad and Nune, by everyone's bewildered expressions, I knew for a fact it was much longer. I felt so weak. Almost like I did when I was still human and dying.

"How long have I been out?" My voice was barely above a whisper.

"You've been unconscious for three days Prem." Dr. Phibunthanakiet answered looking me over.

Three days?! What the hell?

"I don't know how much longer we can keep this a secret! If the other clans find out that he's been unconscious all this time, we'll be humiliated!" Queen Guntachai shouted angrily.

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