Chapter Three

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 THE REST the day went by smoothly enough. There was nothing really exciting that happened, everybody was too nervous to sit still in their classes, some of the teachers gave up trying to teach their classes and let them play games. Those it was mostly for the students to try and calm their nerves. That was all everyone could talk about, "Hey are you going to try and get the internship," or "I'm really nervous about the test, I heard that each Avenger put their own section down."  Lukas winced at hearing that, his father was generally considered an Avenger and would have to put his own part down. He knew it would be about magic and complex things that most people wouldn't know about, Asgardians considered. Lukas knew that he would have to put everything he remembered down, and even if that would raise suspicions. He knew that he wouldn't be good at the extreme sciences that Dr. Banner was used too, or whatever Vision and Scarlett Witch were doing. His only chances were with Stark, Black Widow, his uncle, and his father. And that fact scared the living shit outta him. Because if he ended up winning he would be in close contact with his father again, he wasn't sure if that was what he wanted. The only reason that he agreed to this in the first place was because Peter wanted him too, and he would never let his brother down, even if they weren't brothers by blood. Lukas grabbed a spot on the bleachers higher up and away from the crowd of people, he would rather be alone then around other people. He wasn't shy though, but he hardly let anyone get close to him. And he could thank his father for making him that way. 

 "Alright everybody, please quiet down, and grab a seat. As you all know from the email that was sent out this past Monday, there is a chance that one of you will have to work as an intern at Stark Industries," There was an applause at the sound of that, Principal Morita held up his arms to his sides, and everyone quieted down. "Each Avenger has their own section on this test, quizzing on each area of their expertise. The person with the highest score will get the reward and get the tour tomorrow, you will now the results by eight o'clock tonight. Now with all that set and done lets get you guys those tests." The teachers had a huge stack of papers in their hands, each of them went through each section of the gym and handed out the papers. When Lukas got his test, he was astounded at how short the test was. Just two pages stapled together front and back. Each paper had to sections, a different one for each. His father and uncle shared the last page, Wanda and Vision shared the front side of the back page. Black Widow and Hawkeye shared the back side of the first page, and Doctor Banner and Mr. Stark shared the front side of the first page. Everyone started mumbling amongst themselves about this was not what they were expecting. "This is a timed test so you will have two hours to finish the test. Once you finish or if you decide you are done you can leave. If you need anything that is not test related please let me or any of teachers now and we will assist you if possible. Good luck everybody."

 With that everybody started to wok on the test. It was Dr. Banner's section first. Question One; What is quantum gravity? Lukas frowns and runs a hand through his hair, there was a brief mention of it in Physics class a couple of days ago and he kind of regrets of not paying attention. He read Dr. Banner's book once on Asgard, they have a few book from different realms and that happened to be one of the ones that were there and he decided that he wanted to check it out. He thinks for a moment before writing, a theory that attempts to explain gravitational physic in the terms of quantum mechanics. At least that what he thinks it said, he may or may not have checked it out again, here on the realm that he learned to call home. He went through the rest of the Banner section, he was pretty sure that that would be his lowest scoring section on. He went on to Stark's and was met with Name as many digits as you can for the approximation of pie. Lukas was curious why Stark wasn't going into the most difficult math equations that only he knew how to solve. But regardless he wrote down, The approximation of pie is, 3.141592653589793238. That was as much as he remembered and was sure that somebody else would get more digits then he did. Next was Black Widow's which was a bunch of pictures of various fighting moves and was told to identify them. That was what the whole thing was. Scarlett Witch's was just questions on her home country, but was multiple choice so he was thankful fo that. Where is Sokovia located? A. Eastern Europe B. Britain C. South of Columbia. Lukas ended up choosing Eastern Europe, but he was just guessing and really wasn't sure. Vision he couldn't even guess on so he just circled in random bubbles in for that section and was certain that he was going to fail on that. The next one was his uncle Thor's section which was just surprisingly pictures of weapons and were told to identify them, he wrote down halbert, long sword, and laughed when he took a picture of his hammer, but then again wasn't something a lot of mortals knew so he chuckled when he wrote down Mjolnir. The last one was just his father and he was desperate to get every single one right just to prove that he could.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2022 ⏰

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