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Lorelei slowly walked through the forest with Aurora on her back. Her friend was gripping onto her shoulder fur, not causing any pain, but a bit of discomfort.
Why are we out here again? Asked Aurora, clearly tired. The light of dawn just showed up, and they were both pretty drowsy.
I told you, we're looking for your Mom.
Oh, come on. You saw the size of those wolves. There's no way she would've survived, Aurora complained. She felt a pang of grief to think about her Mom again. Jessy was a good woman, and a great mother. She didn't deserve to die. Unless she didn't.
But how would she make it out alive? There's no way. Those wolves were huge. And she didn't see her jump out of the window, either.
Lorelei couldn't answer to that. She kept walking forward.
Are you sure Starwalker knows about this? I thought I wasn't aloud to leave the camp? Aurora began.
He knows, and he trusts me, Lorelei replied, He... he knows that I'll protect you no matter what.
Aurora was flattered at the thought of Lorelei dying for her.
So, you'd die for me? Suddenly her heart fell, just thinking of that.
Well, yeah. But I would fight to stay alive, too.
  When they got to Aurora's old house, there was a "Stay away" sign in the front yard. Aurora was hurt to see it. She saw "Missing" signs everywhere.

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I can't believe something like this happened to me, Aurora sighed.
I know.
  They walked through the side yard to get to the backyard.
The window that I escaped through should be open still, Aurora thought.
  And it was. Lorelei paused hesitantly, sharing Aurora's fear that they would see her mother's remains. Absolutely mortifying.
Maybe I should go and check first, Lorelei offered. Aurora nodded, and hopped off. She watched her friend transform and walk in through the shattered back door. It was one of those sliding glass doors, and the werewolves' weight had crushed the glass.
  Lorelei carefully stepped over the shards, and passed into the house out of sight of Aurora.
  Lorelei stepped through the house and found her way to Jessy's room. She closed her eyes, preparing to see her dead carcass ripped open.
  But there was nothing. The room was clear, not even a speck of blood on the floor or her bed.
Did you find her? Aurora's voice echoed in her head.
No. Nothing here, Lorelei replied, confusion flooding her chest, The room clear. No blood anywhere.
  Lorelei could sense Aurora's confusion.
How could she be murdered without anything left? Aurora questioned.
Maybe they dragged her out, and killed her somewhere else.
  Yeah, way to bring my hopes up.
Sorry. You can come in.
  Almost immediately Aurora stormed into the room and looked around. She started to inspect under the bedsheets,
then in the little space behind her mother's bookshelf. Aurora turned back to Lorelei, her gaze flushed with sadness.
  "Where did she go?" Aurora cried, continuing to look around as tears dripped down her face. She stopped to the right of her Mom's bed, and on her knees she put her face into her hands.
  Lorelei walked up to her, and sat next to her. She put her arm around her shoulders, tears forming in her own eyes. She couldn't bear to see her friend like this.
  "Where did she go!?" Aurora sobbed again. She rested her head on Lorelei's shoulder, wiping her tears.

  Clint walked around his den, digging his claws into the floor as he did. He circled around the middle of the den and stopped, facing the center. The black werewolf stepped forward and snarled, digging his left claw into the ground.
  "Starwalker is smarter than that," he said sternly. Clint turned around to the back wall and clawed it aggressively. He howled, and made a last blow at the wall.
  "That'll be you," He said in a hushed voice, narrowing his eyes at the scars on the hard, dirt wall.

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