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,, The Noble House of Black ? Isn't the Black Family one of the purest blood families ?'', asked Daenerys.
,,Yeah it is unfortunately'', answered Sirius.

,,You're not in here'', said Harry, after scanning the bottom of the tree.
,,I used to be there..'' said Sirius, pointing at a small ,round hole in the tapestry ,like a cigarette burn.
,,My sweet mother blasstet me off after I ran away from home. Kreacher's quite fond of muttering the story under his breath.''
,,I ran away from home when I was about 16 ,'' said Sirius.
,,I've had enough.''
,,Where did you go ?'' asked Harry, staring at him.
,,Your dad's place ,'' said Sirius.
,,You're Grandparents were really good about it ,they sort of adopted me as their second son.''
,,Yeah I camped at your dad's in the school holidays and when I was 17 I got a place of my own.
My uncle Alphard had left me a decent bit of gold - I looked after myself but I was always welcome at Mr. and Mrs. Potters for Sunday lunch though.'', told Sirius.

,,But why did you leave ?'', asked Harry, staring curiously at his Godfather.
Sirius smiles bitterly and ran his fingers through his long hair.
,,Because I hated the whole lot of them ,my parents with their pure-blood mania, convinced that to be a Black made you practically royal, my idiot brother - soft enough to believe them.''
,,That's him ...'' Sirius jabbed a finger at the very bottom of the tree ,at the name Regulus Black. A date of birth followed by the date of death.
,,Unfortunately the whole pure-blood mania is still present in some big families, like the Malfoy's or the Lestrange's..'' replied Danny, a little bit saddened.
,,He was younger than me ..'' said Sirius.
,,And a much better son as I was, constantly reminded.''

,,But he died....'' said Harry.
,,yeah..'', said Sirius. ,, Stupid idiot, he joined the Death Eaters.''
,,You're kidding !!''
,,Come on Harry ! Haven't you seen enough of this house to tell what kind of wizards my family were ?'', said Sirius testily.
,,It was really present showing that your family were Death Eaters, Sirius, your whole library is filled with books about Dark Magic.'', said Daenerys, a little jokingly.
,,Of course you would storm my library !'', replied Sirius, matching her art of speaking.

,,Were your parents Death Eaters as well, Sirius ?'' asked Harry after a second.
,,No no but believe me they thought Voldemort hade the right idea, they were all for the purification of the Wizarding race, getting rid of Muggle-borns and having Pure-Bloods in charge. They weren't alone either. There were quite a few people before Voldemort showed his true colors, who thought he had the right idea about things.
They got cold feet when they saw what he was prepafed to do to get power, thought. But I bet my parents thought Regulus was a right little hero for joining up at first.''

,,Was he killed by an Auror ?''
,,Oh no ..'', said Sirius.
,,No he was murdered by Voldemort or on Voldemort's orders more likely. I doubt Regulus was ever important enough to be killed by Voldemort in person. From what I found out after he died he got in so far ,than panicked about what he was being asked to do and tried to back out. Well you don't just hand in your resignation to Voldemort.
It's a lifetime of service or death.'', explained Sirius, looking at Harry with a fond look.

,,Lunch..'', said Mrs Weasley's voice.
She was holding her wand high in front of her, balancing a huge tray loaded with sandwiches and cake on top.
She was very red in the face and still looked angry, 'probably from shouting at Mundugus the whole time ' thought Daenerys, looking at Mrs Weasley's angry form.
The others moved over to her, eager for some food but Harry remained with Sirius, who had bend closer to the tapestry.
Daenerys looked at the Tapestry ,Harry and Sirius one last time before exiting the room and following the others downstairs.


Mrs. Weasley kept them all working very hard over the next few days. The drawing room took 3 days to decontaminate. Finally the only desirable things left in it were the tapestry of the black family tree and the rattling writing desk.
Mad-Eye-Moody had not dropped by headquarters yet, so they could not be sure what was inside it.
They moved from the drawing room to a dining room on the ground floor where they found spiders as large as saucers, lurking in the dresser, in which Ron left the room hurriedly to make a cup of tea and did not return for an hour and a half, which Daenerys found very amusing.
The china which, bore the Black crest and motto, was all thrown into a sack by Sirius and the same fate met a set of old photographs in silver frames, all of who's occupants squealed shrilly is the Glass covering them smashed.

Snape might rever to the Work as cleaning but in Danny's opinion they were really wagging war on the house which was putting up a very good fight aided by Kreacher.
The house elf kept appearing wherever they were congregated, his muttering become more and more offensive as he attempted to remove anything he could from the rubbish sacks. Sirius went as far as to threaten him with clothes but Kreacher fixed him with the watery restart and said:,, Master must do as master wishes'' before turning away and muttering very loudly ,
,,but Master will not turn Kreacher away, no, because Kreacher knows what they are up, oh yes , he's plotting against the Dark Lord, yes with these mud-bloods and blood-trators and scum.''

At which Sirius, ignoring Hermione's protests, seized Kreacher by the back of his loincloth and threw him from the room.
The doorbell rang several times a day which was the cue for Sirius's mother to start screaming again and for Danny and the others to attempt to ease drop on the visitor.
Thought they gleaned very little from the brief glimpses and snatches of conversations they were able to sneak before Mrs. Weasley recalled them to their tasks. She also caught sight of her transfiguration teacher professor McGomagall, looking very odd in a Muggel dress and coat and she also seemed too busy to linger.

Sometimes however the visitors stay to help. Tonks joined them for a memorable afternoon in which they found a murderous old ghoul lurking in an upstairs toilet.
And Lupin, who was staying in the house with Sirius, but who left it for long periods of time to do mysterious work for the order, helped them repair a grandfather clock that had developed the unpleasant habit of shooting heavy bolts at passers.
Mundungus redeemed himself slightly in Mrs. Weasley's eyes by rescuing Ron from an accident set of purple robes that had tied to strangle him when he remove them from their wardrobe.

Despite having to clean all day, Danny managed to have fun all summer.
She still visited her dragons sometimes alone or with company.
Soon came the day that Harry would have his trial.
,,I've ironed your best clothes for tomorrow morning Harry and I want you to wash your hair tonight. A good first impression can work wonders.'', told him Mrs Weasley, to smooth his nerves a little bit.

Ron ,Hermione ,Fred ,George ,Danny and Ginny all stopped talking and looked over at him.
He nodded and tried to keep eating his chop but his mouth had become too dry, he could not chew.
,, How am I getting there ?'', Harry ask Mrs. Weasley, trying not to sound unconcerned.
,, Arthur is taking you to work with him ..'', said Mrs. Weasley gently.
Mr. Weasley smiles encouragingly at Harry across the table.
,,You can wait in my office until it's time for the hearing..'', he said .

Harry looked over at Sirius, but before he could ask the question, Mrs. Weasley had answered it.
,,Professor Dumbledore doesn't think it's a good idea for Sirius to go with you and I must say I -''
''- think he's quite right,'' said Sirius through clenched teeth. Mrs. Weasley pursed her lips.
,, When did Dumbledore tell you that ?'', Harry said, staring at Sirius.
,,He came last night when you were in bed ..'', said Mr. Weasley.
Sirius stabbed moodily at a potato with his fork. Harry lowered his eyes to his plate, the thought that Dumbledore had been in the house of the eve of his hearing and not asked to see him made him feel, if it were possible, even worse.
Danny could see Harry's discomfort and his slight change of mood but decided to ignore it and continue to eat her breakfast.

Danny could see Harry's discomfort and his slight change of mood but decided to ignore it and continue to eat her breakfast

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