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"Here is a sneak peek from my upcoming book Spiritually Medicated. Visit my website for updates or to book your healing session." 

Engaging with the inner child and speaking kindly to them and acknowledging their existence is how we build a foundation of self Love

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Engaging with the inner child and speaking kindly to them and acknowledging their existence is how we build a foundation of self Love. I used to think self love was stuffing myself with my favorite desserts, taking a bubble bath, vegging out in front of the TV and going for a massage after a night of binge drinking and pill popping. It wasn't until my inner child yelled at me for eating a whole burrito when I wasn't even hungry that I realized my idea of self Love might have been ego driven (that part of me that screams it's never enough). But the act of self love is an experience. It's monitoring all the crazy thoughts in your head. Again, have you taken inventory of all the thoughts buzzing through your mind? Are they kind thoughts towards yourself and others? Are they words you would speak to a small child if all your thoughts were projected outwards for all to hear? Do the words make you feel good? If they don't, how come? Where did those thoughts come from?

A great way to properly experience self Love is to think about someone you Love unconditionally. Could be a parent, a sibling, a romantic partner or even a pet. Step into those feelings for a minute and notice how it feels when you think about them. What kind of words do you speak to your loved ones? Now ask yourself, do I feel this same way about myself? This is how we should be feeling about ourselves everyday and your thoughts, the words you speak to yourself all day, should reflect that. Getting nails done and going for massages is a wonderful regime for self Love, but it's only part of the equation. We also must love ourselves enough to not engage in activities that bring us down, which includes toxic environments and people who drain our energy. We quite literally must walk around like a small child lives inside of us that we must take into consideration of or, like everything that happens to us is happening to the person we Love more than anything in this world (it should be us, but we're learning here).  

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2022 ⏰

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Kyla - Counselor And HealerKyla LamWhere stories live. Discover now