Don't Ask Don't Tell 🤫

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I waited and waited for Lucy that night. It was her idea to have dinner tonight. And it was her idea to close the relationship and exchange rings. I was quite happy having a casual relationship with her. 

Mostly our relationship was "Don't Ask, Don't Tell," which meant we saw other people and we kept our exploits to ourself. I enjoyed having my freedom. I loved all the nights with my girls, and meeting up with other women on the other nights. 

Getting involved with Lucy loosened me up for sure, made me feel more alive, and made me feel more attractive and therefor sure of myself. I got onto a bunch of dating sites and told my friends that my taxi light was "on" in case they had any one they could hook me up with. I was game. 

But when our worlds began to collide, this made Lucyreally uncomfortable. The city can be pretty small, especially when you're in a predominantly lesbian scene. 

The night she saw me with her good friend Laurie, unbeknownst to me of course as Laurie was introduced to me from a gal at work. No harm no foul, but Lucy saw us out at a bar, cozying up with a couple of drinks and this did not make her happy. Or rather, it stirred some feelings in her and suddenly a few days later she wanted to try "closing the relationship."

"I was thinking maybe we could try monogamy, maybe just for a little while? You know since we've been spending more and more time together."

"Really? I thought the autonomy was good for us."

"Oh, it most definitely is, but... well, you know, maybe we could be something more to each other, and maybe a period of monogamy could help us define that."

"Hmm. So are you saying you want to take this relationship to the next level?"

"Yea, at least see if it's really a thing. I mean, we can always open back up again."

"Okay, yea, let's talk about it."

I wanted to think about it first. I wasn't going to give her an answer right then and there. She was the one who was so adamantly against monogamy in the beginning, I wanted to make sure we were doing the right thing.

The next few weeks I found that I had less and less interest in other dates, and more and more excitement about closing our relationship.

"Let's do it."


"Sure, let's see where it takes us."

"Okay! And maybe we can even have a ceremony around it."

"You mean like exchange rings and vows type of thing?"


We hadn't even exchanged rings yet. We started talking about a date, and maybe writing vows, and tonight we were going to make it official. 

At 7PM when she didn't call, I didn't worry. Maybe one of her dates was running long. But by 9PM when she hadn't called I was beside myself with worry. I left several messages but heard nothing. 

At 930PM she called me and said she sorry but had to cancel, and that she was heading out to see a show, and was I free afterward? Well, yeah, I was. But what about the vows and stuff? She said, "Yea, lets talk about that later."

Lucy never called that night. I didn't hear from her for 3 days. This is how I fell for Lucy. 

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