Back to Hogwarts- chapter 10

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After Narcissa had packed some snacks for Me, and for Draco separately, I head back to my room to get dressed. Meanwhile Narcissa is waking Draco. Of course Lucius is 'too busy' once again. So when she's done waking Dray she comes back to my room. She comes in, scanning her eyes down me to see my still robed body. She seems quite pleased at this. "I suppose I can dress you again." She states. "Though I prefer you without anything on." She adds winking.

I chuckle, approaching her, gently resting my hand on her throat, barely gripping as I push her against the door. She draws in a breath, surprised by my gentleness. I lean in and kiss her, slowly. Our lips enter a dance, moving in sync, exploring one another. As I pull away I tug her bottom lip in my teeth and she lets out a shaky breath. "I'm gonna miss that." She states and we both chuckle.

She pulls her wand out and waves it, a flourish of purple haze and sparkles surround me. My vision is clouded and I'm sure I would've panicked but I could sense her in the magic and I trust her with my life. When the haze disappears back into the tip of her wand I look down at my now clothed body.

I gasp

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I gasp. "Cissy it's beautiful." I exclaim. She smiles and scans over me once more. "Good call with the turtle neck I suppose." She comments. I smirk at her and kiss her once more. I begin placing kisses on her neck, right below her sweet spot. Her eyes flutter shut as she leans her head back to give me access. I catch a glimpse of the clock and pull away from her quickly. She begins to complain but I cut her off.  "We need to get you dressed!" I exclaim.

I then snap and her clothes are changed. "Wait- ho- hold on a minute." She protests. I raise an eyebrow. "When did you learn to do that?" She asks. "Do what?" I ask confused at her shock. "To do magic without a wand." She states still starting at my hand. "I've been able to do it since I was quite young. Father thought it was extraordinary. He was proud to say the least." I explain. "As he should be." She says with an almost proud tone of her own.

"This outfit is amazing by the way." She commends.

"Thank you baby, I knew you'd look amazing in it

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"Thank you baby, I knew you'd look amazing in it." I explain. She steps closer and pulls me into a hug, lasting for a few minutes. "I'll get Dray and meet you downstairs." I say. She nods and with that we both exit my room and go out separate ways.

After I make my way downstairs we all get ready to go and grab hands and apparate. I get an idea. "Wait Draco, I forgot to do something you go, your mom and I will meet you there." I inform. He doesn't question me and just apparates away. I use our hands that are still linked to pull her into me. "Goodbye my lover." I whisper and initiate a tender kiss. "Goodbye my dear." She answers kissing me once more before we apparate away.

***At the train Platform***
I hug Narcissa goodbye. "Thank you for letting me stay with you for a few days Narcissa." I thank her shortly and politely. "No problem dear, you're welcome back anytime, Draco should bring you with him more often." She eyes him. He chuckles and nods his head. "I cannot separate you two for too long the planets might collide." He says in satire. "It is definitely odd for my best friend to also be my mums best friend too." He comments.

"You worried she'll steal me away?" I ask teasingly. "No I'm worried about how much trouble you'll get my mother into." He says laughing. "Oh dear you don't credit me enough. I'm no stranger to trouble." She replies. He shakes his head. "I'm in for a handful then I suppose." He says. The train whistles loudly. "We'd better go now." He adds. "Goodbye my son." She says embracing him and kissing his head. "I'll keep him safe." I reassure her smiling.

She smiles and releases him. She grabs my hand and pulls me in kissing my cheek chastely. "Thank you so much my dear. I will miss my new friend." She says. "Until we meet again Cissa." I say bowing my head. We head to the door, him leading the way to a compartment. As I board the train I give her one last look. I blow her a kiss and she smiles longingly. We get settled in the compartment, me taking the window seat.

As the train begins to slowly lurch forward I make eye contact with her and I smile one last time. She waved at me until she drifts out of sight my heart aches being away from her. I've not know her for long, and yet she completes me so well I feel empty without her. I feel a tingle on my forearm, looking down and pulling my sleeve up my eyes widen. In scrawly, dainty, gorgeous text on my skin was written:
𝓘'𝓵𝓵 𝓶𝓲𝓼𝓼 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓻- 𝓒𝓲𝓼𝓼𝓪

That clever dear, she must've charmed my skin to show whatever she writes on hers. I smile softly and pull my sleeve back down. I slide away from the window to sit in the middle. The compartment door slides open to reveal the twins. "Ugh the weaslebees." Draco states in disgust. "Shut up you bloody ferret, they're my friends and you know to play nice." I defend.

Fred takes a seat on one side of me and George on the other. "Are you excited?" George asks. "For what?" I ask obliviously. "Your birthday is in two weeks." Fred answers. "And we're gonna get fucked up!" George announces. "Guys you know my alcohol tolerance is shit." I remind. "Which makes it even more fun." Fred says. "You two will be the death of me." I say. "You love us." They reply in unison. "Maybe." I reply I rolling my eyes.

A/N: heyyy hope you enjoy. I can't wait to show you all what I have in store!

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