My name is Adam. Adam Lee. In this story I'm about to share with you, is me and how I met my friends on discord. This story is just an the journey from us just speaking a few words with each other to having full on calls. Enjoy if you read further on.
Day one: Adam was on discord, just doing his usual thing, talking to his friends. His friends names were: Hoshi, Stormii, Jack, Val, and June. So we were just talking about the usual, gacha life. Yes I know, gacha life is cringe, but back then, I was sort of an idiot, or just very immature. Anyways, I was just checking all the channels to see if there was anything happening. Nothing was happening yet, so i kept clicking until I hit the channel "invite". There was a server called "Asian hangout". I thought, "This might be interesting", and the person who sent the invite was val, one of my closer friends. So I pressed join. 1st thing I saw, people chatting in general. I say hi, but it seemed like no one noticed me, so I say Hi again, still no response. "Are these people mean?" I questioned myself. I thought it would be a waste of time so I went to check out the channels. They were, "Pizza place", "Rice place", "Sushi place", and then "Seafood place". We'll come back to these later.
So I go back to general, seeing the conversation slowing down. I use this opportunity to say hello and introduce myself. My friend val, seeming like she knows them, say that I'm a good friend of hers. They only say hello then go back to their conversation. This made me a little disappointed, so I just went to the "sushi place". There, I just started to spam "I love sushi", which seemed to catch someone's attention. This person, was Mav. I said Hello when I saw Mav typing, expecting a hello back. But, What I got was a "Can you stop spamming please? I'm getting annoyed from the notifications I'm getting". So I stopped, being surprised of course. I asked, "What's wrong with spamming?". Mav said "Check the rules right after you join", she replied back. Well, they did have a point I thought to myself. So I went to check rules, one of them being "No spamming OR a warn", so I stopped.
I went back in to general, to try to force myself in a conversation. So I watched for the chat to go on until I saw something I could relate to. This something was about height, so I chimed in, saying I was 5'3. Something that caught me off guard is when I saw that a girl (or so I thought back then) said they were 5'5, that person being . I said that was a lot and asked Veya for their age, which they did in dms. I was shocked when Veya said they were younger than me, which made me confused and felt outdone. So I told them that I would out-grow them, and seeing them be sarcastic and say "oh, well good luck", before leaving back to the server. The rest of the day, I talked in the Gacha life server.