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haru-its... a secret ofc
akashi-aww men your no fun
haru-haha ofc i gotta keep it a secret
akashi-well when are you gonna tell me?
haru- maybe in the right time and place i guess

*so basically they would hang out every time but sometimes haru brings piper in*

akashi-come on lets go
piper-oki oki waitt
haru-akashi dont put too much pressure to piper
akashi- oh sorry hehe i guess im too exited
haru- ok ok now were do you all want to go
akashi- can we go to the-
piper-to the mall
akashi-but i thought were going to the movies
haru-hmm i guess to the mall it is
akashi- but
haru- come on lets give her a chance 

*they would always hang out with piper since piper is always lonely and they would always have some sleep over, over the pass months they have been hanging out haru has began to have this feeling towards piper while akashi is still simping for haru without know that haru has a crush on someone*

akashi-wow why do you look more different today
haru- well im gonna confess to my crush today
akashi-oh.. whos your crush?
haru- your gonna found that later hehe
akashi- oh ok but when are you gonna tell them

haru- hmm maybe after school ofc 
haru-maybe at the park 
akashi-at the park? HAHA lame
haru-hey come on your not helping 
akashi- haha sorry |
haru-im gonna confess to her later at 4pm under the blossom tree
akashi-oh ok good luck 

akashi- well i got to go now im gonna hang out with amy
haru-oh ok
piper- so what yall talking about
haru-oh i-its nothing hehe we should go now and head to the canteen
piper- oh ok

hmm what are all they talking about i just heard confessing things when i got there hm maybe one of them will confess but who tho ughh i wish it was haru confessing to me ughh it better not be that akashi boy 

haru-hey you look upset are you ok?
piper-oh yes haha i just zoned of that all
haru- oh ok heres your lunch
piper- oh thank u


akashi-amy i dont know what to do hes gonna confess to his crush
amy-oh.. is it a her?
akashi-well yes since he mention a her
akashi-   *sobs*
amy- oh come on now dont be upset theres alot more boys you can date its not like haru is the only boy in the earth
akashi-b-but i love him *sniff* 
amy- hey what about this you will stop crying and i will buy us some boba later'
akashi- ok.. *stops crying* 
amy- there there now hey i have an idea
akashi- what is it?

to be continue

A/N: hello so if your wondering whose amy, amy is akashi's other friends since middle school you can re read chapter 1 if you dont know who is amy, and your wondering why i didnt update earlier its because my virtual school will be back this week so il be busy and be updating this a little more later hehe 

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