chapter 13

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"St-top. ...hahahaah"



"Make me omega"


"Ok ok nono just stop it's enough punishment"

"You are damn lucky Jun support you otherwis-

"Blah blah blah " with a tease omega run away leaving his one mate angry and other laughing his ass out

"Lee Jaemin you are dead"

"Try Me Lee  Jeno"

"Oh omega" with that alpha start running after his omega however, slowly so that he can hear his mate's beautiful laugh more

".....and catch you"

"Ehhh.....It's cheatung you run fast" Huff and crossing his arms omega  complaint

"Well not my my problem omega you shouldn't mess with me" Nono threatened in alpha voice making shiver run down  omega's spine


"Yes you pup"

"Um-umm alpha" letting his phenomenon spread into air letting his alpha now that he submitted to him

"Minnie" with a pout and Hazzy eyes said omega looked at his mates letting them know he is needy

"Plea-se wann 'lpha"

For past six months since that accident he is being a submissive easily. They both know the reason behind that, which is why they take him at a private island for more privacy only belong to them gifted by their brother Lee Taeyong

"Alpha" with tears dropping his eyes he looked at his alphas making their heart hurt at the scene

He is still hurting and they both know

Looking at each other in eye both alphas sigh

'Back to square one'  sharing the telepathy they nodded softly before Jeno picked the omega like a baby and take them to their room next is your imagination bye bye ~~~


"Hmm" blocking the sunlight omega turn other side where his back faced the window from where the light is coming.

Soft giggles can be heared making him wake from his slumber

"Morning puppy"

"Morning...babwhh*he yawn*"


Huff "I'm not"

"Whatever you say nana come on let's wash you first"

With a blushed on his face he said "I can do it on my own"

"I don't think so"

"Shut up'

"You was not saying that last night jaemin-ahh"



"Okey okey come here min let us clean you"

Well we don't wanna know the spicy bath they take


"....Junnie ...nono" omega called his mates while cuddling onto their chest

"Yes baby"

"Can we have baby"



"Nev-er mind ju-just forget wha-t I sa-

"Your wish our command Nana" with wide eyes he looked at his mates for confirmation which got a soft kiss from his alphas



"You need to heal first baby"


"Don't even deny jaemin you know what we are talking

With a nod he sniff his mate's scent gland

"I'll try my hard"

"Yes you need to be then we can think about baby okey love"


"Hmm come on let's dress you then we can go outside and eat something hmm"



I'm officially out of ideas bye bye

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