Chapter 1: The corruption

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In Week 5 of Winter Horrorland, BF and GF fight the Lemon Demon for fun. But, they lost, and Lemon Demon aimed his corruption at GF, causing BF to run. "BF, help me!", GF cried. "Oh, little Girlfriend, he can't save you now!", Lemon Demon said to GF as she started to end up corrupted and she can't control herself. "Beep bop...skbeep da... (My corrupted...)", BF said, whimpering and scared. Corrupted GF then corrupt her boyfriend and his fate is sealed.

Hey guys, this is my first book published on Wattpad and tysm for reading this story, I appreciate it. There will be more updates for this story and it wasn't finished yet. Requests are now open, any great ideas for the story will be accepted.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2022 ⏰

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