💙Male! Hya Evans x Fem! Midoriya Izuku - We Were Genderbended?! - Fluff💚

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(A/N: Okay, this might confuse you bc of the title "We Were Genderbended?!". That was the time they got hit by a genderbended quirk, that was actually became my idea after I wrote the Depressed! Midoriya Izuku x Popular! Hya Evans Songfic one-shot. It's my first time writing this and I don't know why, but I've seen so many fanarts of Midoriya genderbend as a female, so... yeah. So I decided to make Hya as a male and Midoriya as female like you've already know. So yeah. Enjoy!)

Hya's POV

"Argh..." I groaned as I slowly opened my eyes

I was in my room, laying on my bed

"What the..." I mumbled but my voice is... different. It's kinda like I sounded like a guy or something...


I sounded like a what now? I kinda sounded like Mike from Funnel Vision Family but as 15 years old

"Why do I sounded like a guy...?" I asked myself

I looked at my hands and it was like... a bit big and...

Wait a dang minute.

Did I just--

'Did I just turned into a guy?!' I thought in shock

"Uh... what the?? Wait, what just happened?" I mumbled to myself

"Ow..." Then I just heard a feminine voice making my eyes widened, I looked at other side of the room and saw a girl laying on the other bed

She has green and black long, messy hair and has freckles...


Green and black long, messy hair?

And has freckles?

Don't tell me--!

'Is that... Izuku?!' I thought

Third Person's POV

Midoriya finally woke up from his, or should we say, 'her' unconsciousness

Hya couldn't believe her or his eyes, he may be thinking that the two of them genderbended

"Huh? W-Where am I...?" Midoriya asked herself until he/she saw Hya

"Hya? Is... is that you?"

"Yeah. Boi, what the heck, man?!" Hya said in irritated tone

"Um... why do I sounded like a girl? And why do you look... like a guy?" Midoriya asked

"Well... that's because... we got hit by a genderbended quirk." Hya said

"...What? We got hit by a what?!" Midoriya exclaimed in shock

"Yeah. I remembered before you woke up. It kinda feels weird." Hya said

"What do we do now?" Midoriya asked

"I dunno. We gotta tell this situation to Andrei or Xhander. But... who brought us all the way here in my room? I remembered we were hanging out at the Ice cream store, but I don't remember get all the way here." Hya said

"Me too." Midoriya said

"This is getting really confusing here. If I should've paid attention on it, this wouldn't happened." Hya said

"It's not your fault, Hya." Midoriya said


"Um... c-can I um... sit next to you in your bed?" Midoriya asked nervously

"Huh? Uh, yeah, sure. I don't mind." Hya said

Midoriya went to Hya's bed and sat next to her. Or him, by any chance since they got genderbended

Hya started to pat Midoriya's head, having Midoriya's attention, and blushed, when Hya realized what she or he was doing, Hya blushed red and took her own hand away

"Sorry." Hya said awkwardly

"Um, no. I-It's okay." Midoriya said

Awkward silence went into them, they don't know what to say to start a conversation even though they're best friends since childhood

"Um... Izuku." Hya called Midoriya out

"Hm? Yeah?" Midoriya asked in responce

"Um... there's something I really wanted to tell you." Hya said

"What is it?" Midoriya asked

Hya averted his, or her eyes on her lap with a blush on her face

"I-I, uh... It's totally really important, and I just wanted to say that I like you so much!" Hya said with a huge blush, making Midoriya's eyes widened

"Well... the thing is... I had a crush on you since we were kids. And... I've always wanted to tell you since middle school even though we were in separate schools, but I can't seem to do it cuz I don't wanna break our precious childhood friendship!" Hya said

Midoriya's eyes widened slightly when she heard every words Hya was saying

"Y-You were always an amazing person and you also changed my life ever since we met. You're too friendly enough, kind, heroic and everything. And I admired it a lot about you."

"Hya..." Midoriya said in awe

And Hya then sighed

"S-Sorry, I couldn't really held it anymore. I don't know what to-- Woah!" Hya yelped when Midoriya hugged him on the side

"I-I love you, too." Midoriya said

"Y-You mean it?!" Hya asked

"Yeah! I really do, Hya." Midoriya said


"I felt the same way, too." Midoriya said

"Um... y-you know... you look... kinda cute." Hya said

"E-Eh? N-No I'm not, even though I became a girl." Midoriya said and pouted

"Argh! Gosh, you're too cute...!"

~Time Skip - The Next Day~

Hya and Midoriya were sleeping together, Hya slowly opened her eyes and sleepily groaned

"What the... huh? Wait... my voice is... normal again?" Hya asked herself

She looked at her hands and it was back at her normal gender of all

'Yeah, boi, I'm back!' Hya grinned in joy and then

She saw Midoriya also back to his gender, sleeping peacefully as he hug her close, which she found it really cute

She smiled and cuddled him as well

"Love you, Izuku-kun." Hya whispered



See you guys in the next one-shot!

Jaa ne minna-san!!

(926 Words)

EndouHya1115 signing out!~

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