Chapter 5 - Darkness On The Edge Of Town

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After Regina's announcement and Robin's return the entire diner seemed to be radiating happiness. As Robin left Regina's side to go and address his Merry Men Regina felt someone grab her elbow. She turned around to find Marian standing behind her. A soft, almost apologetic smile crept over Regina's lips.

"Marian, I..."

"Regina stop. Congratulations, there is never a wrong time for a baby." Marian smiled, but then an all too serious look crossed her face. "I haven't turned to ice yet, but I keep waiting. Do you think it's broken? The curse I mean?"

"Honestly I think it may be. When we lifted the curse on the edge of town I think that it was the same spell that was cursing you. I truly believe that you are free." She smiled at the woman who a short time ago had hated her beyond anything in the world, "Marian, is there something else?" Regina couldn't help but notice the look of concern in the maid's eyes.

"Actually yeah, but I don't think this is the place."

"How about we take the boys home and we can all discuss it at my house?" Regina's offer made it clear that Marian and Roland were both welcome in her home for the evening.

"That might be a good idea." Marian turned away to go get Roland as Regina approached Robin. She slid her arms around his waist and he turned away from his men to face her.

"I think it's time to call it a night, we have some things we need to talk about." She nodded in the direction of Marian who was telling the Charming's that it was time to leave. "Marian seems worried about something, but she didn't want to discuss it here. Let's go home."

Robin grinned down at her, not sure if she was serious about Marian joining them or not. "Okay m'lady, let's go." He bent and touched his forehead to hers as he took her hand and led her from the diner. Goodbyes and more shouts of congratulations followed them out the door.

"Papa!" Roland came out of the dinner in front of the Charming's, "Regina! Wait for me!" He came running after them as fast as he could, even though they hadn't even made it to the street yet. "Don't leave without me!"

"Roland," Robin scooped him up and settled him on his hip before taking Regina's hand again, "We were not leaving you, we are all going to the same place."

"Right," Regina dropped Robin's hand and turned to face their little party, "is anyone opposed to faster means of travel?" When no one answered her Regina flipped her wrists and suddenly they were all standing in her front hall.

"Regina! I seriously don't think that can be good for the baby." Snow looked like she was ready to spit fire, "You have got to try and tone it down a bit!"

"You cannot possibly understand this, but I can't! Now more than ever I feel so powerful, it's almost as if I could hurt myself more by not using it, there is just so much of it!" Regina was starting to talk really fast, and she was loosing some of her carefully maintained composure.

"Regina," Emma reached out and touched the queen's shoulder, taking some of the magic out of her as she did so, "Regina you have to calm down. It's okay, no one is going to lecture you about the magic anymore, how do you feel?" She shot a dark look at Snow while she waited for an answer.

"I'm fine, really, the magic makes me light, and happy, I honestly think she likes me using it." Regina looked Emma square in the eye as she spoke, she really did feel wonderful, and the baby really did seem to enjoy the magic.

"She?" Robin had spoken up, after all it was his baby they were all yelling about.

"Oh right," Henry laughed as he came up beside Robin, "Mom's having a girl."

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