Healing of A Broken Heart

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A series of urgent knocks at your door pulled you out of sleep. Grumbling, you tore yourself from the comforts of your bed and dragged yourself to the door. Ready to yell at the perpetrator for disrupting your sleep, you froze when you saw Wanda on the other side.

Her hair was brushed into an elegant updo, her dress a flowy white that dipped dangerously between her chest, and her hands were adorned with little golden rings and bracelets that drew attention to the smoothness of her skin, making them glow. Wanda was absolutely stunning and you would've stared in awe if the look on her face wasn't one of utter devastation. Tears were streaming down her cheeks and her lips were trembling as she hugged herself to stop the shaking throughout her whole body.

"Wanda-" You startled, reaching out for her.

She didn't let you finish, rushing into your arms the second you had opened them. She burrowed herself into you, sobbing into your shirt, soaking it with her tears as her whole body shook violently. Heavy chokes could be heard between tears as she tried to breath in before the next wave of sadness took over. Not knowing what else to do, you just held her as she cried.

Eventually, the sobs turned into hiccups and the initial shock wore off from you. Slowly, you guided the pair of you to your bed, pulling away from Wanda so that you could make her sit on the edge of the mattress. Squatting down in front of her, you placed a hand on each knee. Your eyes glanced worryingly up at her. Her eyes were puffy and her mascara smudged, most of which had been transferred to your shirt. You didn't want to push her, so you waited for Wanda to speak at her own accord. Her eyes silently thanked you.

With a shaky breath to collect herself, she opened her mouth, "Vision broke up with me on our date. We were having a nice dinner, and everything was going great. Until it wasn't. I went in for a kiss, and he pulled away, telling me that he wanted to break up. He said that loving anything was a mistake. That loving m-m-me was a mist-t-take." Her hiccups tripped her up near the end, but she soldiered through it. Anger flared in you towards Vision and you felt your grip on Wanda's knees tighten, but another choked gasp from Wanda had concern replace the anger again.

Beating up Vision can wait until later. Right now, comforting Wanda came first.

"Hey, Vision is an idiot. He doesn't know what he is talking about." You reassured, cursing the dumb microwave for saying something so stupid to Wanda, someone who've already had a hard enough time believing in the good of the world.

"He has the Mind Stone, he knows more than most of us ever will." Her eyes darted up to yours. "What if he's right (Y/N)? What if loving me is a mistake? Is that why everyone who's ever loved me has suffered such tragic deaths?" Wanda asked, her mind already twisting Vision's words into ways to attack herself.

"No, no, no. Mind Stone or not, Vision doesn't know what he's talking about. Loving someone is never a mistake, especially loving someone like you." You interrupted, stopping her self destructive thoughts. Placing a hand behind her shoulder, you pulled her into a tight embrace." And don't let anyone tell you differently." You whispered onto the top of her head.

The faint nod of Wanda's head could be felt beneath you.

You felt vibrations on your chest as Wanda mumbled something against your shoulder. Realizing that you didn't hear, she tried again, this time speaking more clearly. "Thank you for being here, I guess I should go back to my bedroom."

Though she said those words, the tone of her voice told you that she didn't really mean what she was saying.

"Stay the night." You instructed, not really giving her a choice because you knew that she would take it as a sign that you didn't actually want her to. Sometimes, Wanda's worst enemy was her own mind.

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