What's Always Been

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You woke up to the sight of red hair splayed across the pillow next to you like you always did. Leaning forward, you pressed your lips onto the forehead of the sleeping woman, waking her up with your soft kisses. Bleary eyes slowly opened, their soft green greeting you. You smiled upon seeing them, drawing the woman closer into your arms so that you could snuggle into her.

Sighing contently, you lightly ran your fingers through their hair before freezing. The locks in your hand were too dark. The eyes you met the wrong shade. The perfume you inhaled too floral. You jerked back in confusion, wondering why Natasha, and not Wanda, was in your bed.

Then the events of the night before came crashing back to you.

Wanda and Vision had returned back from their mission. You had stayed up late so that you could greet Wanda, but Vision had entered the Compound first. It was from him that you learned about Wanda's decision. Hopeful are you were, all of it was crushed in a split second. Wanda had chosen Vision, and you had been left with a broken heart.

No. That wasn't what had happened.

Wanda hadn't chosen Vision, because choosing would imply that you had been a choice to her in the first place. It would imply that you had meant something to her. It would imply that you had a chance. But everything you had let yourself hope for was nothing more than a distraction for Wanda, because to her, it had only ever been Vision.

And that was what had shattered your heart.



[The Night Before]

As the door closed behind you, Natasha pushed you roughly against the frame. Her lips left yours and traveled to your neck, leaving a trail from your jaw to your collarbone. Your hands found their place tangled in her hair. Her teeth against the sensitive skin on the side of your neck had you hitch a breath at the sudden bite, and you worried that it would mark tomorrow. With a gentle tug, you pulled Natasha back up to you, crashing your lips into hers for another searing kiss.

But as much as your body reacted to Natasha, as much as you wanted to lose yourself in her touch, your heart wasn't into it. It only took a second for your mind to catch up.

You couldn't do this to Natasha. Using her like this? As some way to get revenge? As a way to distract yourself? It was no better than what Wanda had done to you. Pulling back, you broke away from the kiss, lightly pushing Natasha back, surprise and confusion flashing across her face.

"I'm sorry, I can't do this." You stuttered out, feeling guilt rise within you. As of recently, you and her had just begun getting close as friends, and now you worried that you had ruined it all.

Natasha quickly recovered from her initial shock, "It's fine. You're allowed to change your mind." She consoled, seeing the distress on your face. You gave her a grateful smile. Wishing her an awkward good night, you stepped back out into the hallway, hand still on the handle when you froze, every muscle in your body tensing up.

"Is something-" Natasha started, approaching you. She peeked out into the hallway, trailing off when her eyes landed on the same thing yours had.

In the distance, you could just make out the figure of Wanda standing in front of a door, looking like she was on her way out. It was the door to a room you had never visited yourself, but one you knew well enough. At the sight of Wanda leaving Vision's room- hair messy, clothes rumbled, makeup slightly smudged- your stomach twisted into an uncomfortable knot. The cause of her tousled state was not difficult to deduce, especially when you could see the smudging of her lipstick and the way her shirt was still slightly lifted. If Wanda turned to her right just slightly, she would be able to see you standing there, but despite knowing that, you couldn't force yourself to move. Voice hushed as to not wake up the other Avengers sleeping in the same hallway, Wanda was speaking to someone within the room. Vision soon stepped out to join her in the hallway.

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