The pain of the past

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Ashley! An angry voice yelled at the giggling burnett currently sprinting down the stairs as if her life depended on it.

The angry voice aka her big brother stormed after her as she rounded a corner."No stop stoooopppp!!!"she busted out laughing when he had caught and pinned her.

Smirking he growled at the squirming little girl that was his sister" Should have thought before you decided to oh so "lovingly" kick me in the nutz.

They sat there laughing until their mom and dad ran in with panicked looks on their faces."Tyler take Ashley and run as fast as you can to the burning embers pack."Their dad yelled at them.

"Mommy Daddy what's going on. "She whimpered. They responded with an answer that would forever seal her fate...."were being attacked by the red moon pack now hurry up and take her to where she'll be safe because they mustn't be allowed to get a hold of her do you understand Tyler?"

He didn't speak just nodded as they tossed the 6 and a half year old to him. "Go we'll hold them off as long as we can I want her off pack grounds and into burning embers. Her life is in your hands Tyler.

He ran down the stairs with little Ashley tucked into his arms to only be met with the site of wolves fighting everywhere, snarls and whines could be heard as they fought viciously.

As he tried to slip out unnoticed Ashley was ripped out of his hands by a man that looked to be as old as his father. She screamed and thrashed trying to reach her big brother but to to no avail she started crying. "Give her back! If you harm her I'll rip you to shreads old man." Half wolf Tyler growled. He just chuckled and stared at him." Stupid pup you may have alpha blood but boy I am an alpha."

Putting one and one together he quickly realized that standing in front of him was the current alpha of the red moon pack. Trying to he brave he growled then shifted into a blonde colored wolf and leaping at the man while making sure no harm came to his baby sister.

Laughing he suddenly paused to use the mind talk thing to summon his beta who took the crying little girl from his arms. Shifting into his large redish wolf. "Back down now pup or I'll give your little sister the little gift of seeing me kill the last of her pack.

Not caring what happened Tyler lept at the man but only to be brought down when the other wolf snapped down on his neck. The last thing he saw was his precious little sister starring wide eyed at them and thinking to himself (I HAVE FAILED YOU ASHLEY).


Sooo I feel pretty good about this I believe it's better than the other things I have written. If my lovely readers feel like I should do something than just comment and I will see what I can do.

Btw that's little Ashley^

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