Chapter 5 Changes

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This morning I felt like I had giant speakers in my head. Slowly waking up in pain and a sore body, I looked to my right side, checking the clock - 11am.
I was just about to sit up when I felt a strong arm around me. I turned my head in slow motion, looking to my left, just to find Jacob. I took a small look st his tattoo, smiling to myself as I thought if he could get even any more attractive. Though my smile dropped when I saw my dress hanging on the edge of the bed.
Not trying to believe it, I took a small peak at myself from under the cover and placed my hand on my mouth, preventing me from screaming in shock.
My quick movements seemed to have woken Jake who was now smirking at me as he sat up to move my hair out of the way, gently kissing the back of my neck all the way to my shoulder „Good morning, baby".
I mean I don't remember alot from last night except that I offered him sleeping over since he I didn't want him to walk all the way home through the dark.

„Did we-„
„Oh my god.." I sighed and covered my burning face with my hands, feeling extremely shy. Jacob however only laughed at the situation. I threw him a deadly look which made him raise his hands in defeat and lean against the headboard with his arms behind his head „You were amazing though" mumbled the quileute member.
„Shut up, Black" playfully rolling my eyes, I reach over to grab his button up shirt, that was bigger on me and made it look like a dress. I could see him checking me out from the back. Boys...

I took my time in the kitchen, prepearing us a little breakfast. Surprisingly it wasn't even awkward as we were eating. I can't remember having anyone over who's as talktive as he is, not to mention, being so loving. „How about a walk on La Push? I can show you around." said Jake, taking a sip of his orange juice. A small shrug came from me as answer. I'd love to spend some more time with him after last night.

So once I was done, I let him enjoy breakfast for a bit more and went to get dressed into something more comfortable and when I came back down, Jacob was arguing with some man, who seemed to be a member of the quileute tribe too. Jacob kept apologizing to him in an annoyed voice but what caught the man's eye, was me standing on the staircase. The unfamiliar, older man darted his eyes to Jake once I stood next to him, trying to introduce myself, though he didn't care about my identity. The younger guy put his face in his hands and sighed „Sam, this is my....uh.. this is Roxanne, Roxy this is, Sam." - „Nice to mee-„ once again I tried to stick out my hand, that Sam rejected and dragged Jacob out of my doorway. I knew it was just getting weirder and weirder with every second I spent here. Even Sam gave me the same glare as Leah did when I arrived, but I knew it wasn't Jake's fault...I'll just visit him later, after all I still wanted to explore Forks a bit more.

On my way to La Push, it surprisingly started raining once the weather really doesn't play along for once but I needed to see Jacob for one more moment. Not even parking my car, I notice a group taking a run along the beach. All of them shirtless in the rain... ah yeah..then there must be Jake too.
It was incredible how they were all synced perfectly. Almost like a pack of wolves.

Slowly making my way to the beach, I wave my hand as I noticed my...crush I think..
„Roxanne!" He called out to me and excused himself from the group, with them was Sam aswell. Jogging over to me, the young quileute seemed everything but happy to see me. Maybe it was just the rain that was causing him to frown but when I went in for a kiss, he held me by my waist, turning away his head. All confused and awkward, I spoke up „Uhm..hey.." - „What are you doing here?"
„I just wanted to visit my sunshine?"
The nickname I gave him, made it even harder for him to speak. What came next, shocked me...
„Roxy." I corrected, making him sigh.
„It's better if you stay away. I'm not good for make sure you get home safe"
Jacob was about to head back to the group but I stopped him by grabbing his arm. I didn't understand what the sudden change was all about. He was so happy this morning, it's not even three hours ago since he left. What was going on? What does he mean by ‚I'm not good for you', if he isn't then who is? I can't let this happen to me. Sure breakups happen, but not right after a special night. This can't be happening and I won't let this happen. „Jacob, look at me. You're not really- doing this...are you?" I scoffed, forcing a smile but the taller one stayed with his serious mime, gulping hard as he looked at me from head to toe „I gotta go, Roxanne."

Breaking free from my grip, he left me yelling after him, I tried to chace after him too but the intimidating glare of Sam from the distance didn't let my legs function. My heart broke to a thousand pieces and my Every word he told me, every move he made, his scent, his's all becoming a big blur, going to be another memory of mine that's soon to be forgotten.
I don't know how I'm going to do this but I will.. I have to.
Staying there for some longer minutes, watching the rain slowly disappear, I feel a hand on my shoulder. The familiar soft voice caused me to look up to lock eyes with Bella Swan „Come're shivering.."

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