Part 18

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You and Levi ran out of the club, levi leading you to a parking lot with little to no cars.

Though one car was standing out a lot, you couldn't exactly pinpoint what it was but there was something making it look very expensive.

And that exact car was the one Levi was leading you to. How did he afford to get such a car,  was one of the first thoughts that crossed your mind, his parents must be rich

He unlocked the car and opened the passenger seat's door, you didn't react though, you just stared at him.

"what are you waiting for?" he said with a questioning gaze "get in"

you weren't sure if you should get in the car of a dude you have only just met but you also didn't want reiner to find the two of you

"get in, will you?" Levi asked you to get in again now in a more annoyed pitch

you didn't give it any thought and just did like he asked you to, you didn't want him to get annoyed.

when you did so he asked you if you were okay because of what Reiner has done to you and you just nodded and gave him a warm smile, it made his heart skip a beat, he was never the typ to fall for a girl easily or just fall for someone in general but you have intrigued him, he wanted to know more about you and when Levi sets his mind to something he gets it

- that's what he thought at least -

"thank you for helping me" you said to avoid awkward silences between the two of you

"it's fine but i didn't do it only because of you" Levi looked you straight in the eyes which made you feel uncomfortable but at the same time you couldn't look away

"i can't stand cocky bastards like him, so full of themselves tsk" he rolled his eyes

you didn't know what to say so you just kept quiet and looked around his car, it was so clean not a single stain on the seats in sight, even the floor was clean, you didn't know how he kept his car that clean but you were amazed by it

After looking around a bit you fixated your eyes on Levi again and his eyes never left you, he had a very intimidating aura

he then softly placed his hand on your chin which kind of forced you to look him in the eyes, his eyes were dark blue-ish tending to grey and you could literally see nothing in them he was unpredictable you couldn't tell what was going through his mind

he didn't say a word and you didn't either but he did come closer, so close that your lips were almost touching, you could literally feel his hot breath

"we shouldn't be doing this" you almost whispered but you said it loud enough for levi to hear it

"there's nothing speaking against it" he said in a very low tone which made his voice even deeper then gave you a lick on your lips

"you taste good you know" he smirked and placed one of his hands on your face

you were almost carried away but right before he was able to kiss you, you saw a flashlight facing your direction and backed off immediately

what the fuck was that

"someone's here" Levi said now turning on the car

he asked you were you lived so that he could take you home and that was the last words you exchanged with eachother, the whole ride was dead silent

it was awkward since you kind of almost had a thing but ended up not having anything, you overthinked the whole night with levi and cringed at what has happened.

you were so lost in your thoughts that you haven't even noticed that the two of you have arrived a few minutes ago you only noticed after Levi cleared his throat... twice...

"soo.." you didn't want to make it awkward obviously so you just started talking

"so?" Levi repeated

"thank you for the ride" you said smiling nicely which made Levi blush because of your cuteness

"no problem" he said in a cold tone with the slightest smile on his lips

you stood there in silence again not knowing what to do or say, you decided to go in now because you felt uncomfortable standing there, Levi on the other side enjoyed watching you struggle on what to do next, it amused him and you... you definitely intrigued him

"i'll get going now... good night Levi and thanks again" you have immediately turned your back after saying that and started walking past his car to the building

"y/n!" Levi called you

you turned around to see him staring at you with a smirk on his face, he didn't say a work he just winked then drove away.

Honestly... you were glad that the day has finally passed by and that you're returning to your beloved and comfortable home again.

the only thing you wanted to do is to sleep! the day was so weird and tiring but also exciting but mostly weird

you had mixed emotions about Levi and Eren was still on your mind.

but for today that's it, no more thinking, no more worrying, no more everything... just sleeping!!

-well that's at least what you thought-

"ugh finally i'm back" you mumbled to yourself before opening the door

it was dark, you couldn't see a thing so you quickly took off your shoes then went to your bedroom, but the moment you turned on the light you saw Eren sitting on your bed, hair tied in a bun with strands falling out (the usual), fists clenching, you could literally see his veins popping out as if they were to explode...

Eren seemed angry, very angry.

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