George POV:
"WAKE UP" I heared a familiar voice shout as a put my warm baby blue pillow over my head, my messy hair covering it completely. I tried covering my face completely with my pillow but somehow the light still found a way to shine in and ruin my moment.
After what felt like an eternity, I murmured "Five more minutes..."
Hi , so I'm George. The reason my mum , yes my mum was screaming at me was because were moving to florida and were already pretty late, wait ... WERE MOVING!!!
I sprung out of my inflatable bed immediately getting greated by Octobers cold air , hitting me directly in the face.I cought myself quickly looking around what used to be my room , now all that remained was a few ripped minecraft posters and random metal nails that were accidently left on the hardwood floor. You would be surprised that my floor wasnt a classic british carpet that for absolutely no reason is in every single house. After a few seconds I got out of my bed and changed as quickly as possible. No time to shower i have to get ready! I went outside into my parents car where my mum sat at the front and my dad next to her , about to start the car.
"There you are George, thought you'd never arrive!" He playfully said as he made sure everyone was in the fairly new car and ready to go. In the car there were a few blankets just in case and one pillow all on a pile, and I could barely see through the trunk window because If I'm being honest I have packed litterly EVERYTHING I own and took most of it in my language so there was a lot of bags. It was raining outside so I watched the trees pass across the blurry window , tear-like water drops rolling down it.
I heared a loud snore as I looked to a pile of blankets next me , or should I say a blanket. There sat my little sister Amy already passed out. She's 14 so this was quite expected from such a drama queen like her , she probably ripped out my parents ear drums, complaining there was no internet, no bathroom , not enough snacks , that she didnt wanna leave her many freinds , and that she wanted to stop for another McDonalds. I laid back and "rested my eyes" as I drifted of to a nice and peaceful sleep.
*time skip an hour*
I woke up to my parents shouting.
I jolted up and realised were at the airport , we all ran into the airport with all our luggage jolting through quickly as many people looked at us as if we were wearing giant inflatable dinasour costumes, wait that wouldve been pretty sick I should do that but that's not the point. We made our way to our flight , there wasnt many people there so instead of everything getting checked for two hours it only took like one so we got to sit around, get coffee, and try our best to not fall asleep. Why? I would rather fall asleep on a plane 'couse imagine having to listen to kids crying the whole flight? Yeah no , none of that please , thank you..
After an hour of going to the bathroom , drinking water , coffee and eating sandwiches .We heared our flight get called , luckily it was right next to where we were sitting so we took our bags and we boarded onto the plane.
None of us were scared , well maybe Amy. But I had nothing to worry about! Planes are confirmed the safest form of travel unless a dragon flew out of no where and pulled of one of the plane wings . Everything went black as I drifted of to sleep.
I woke up to loud sirens as I opened my eyes there was fire everywhere , everyone was panicking. I didnt know what to do , everyone was screaming. I looked out the window to see the whole wing set on fire I panicked as I looked at my parents and Amy ... Amy was passed out on the floor with my parents crying beside her I couldn't concentrate I was panicked i-
"Would you like a newspaper it's for a new and more affordable price of 3.99!"
I woke up and gasped for air as the wrinkly , gray-haired lady raised an eyebrow at me and walked of not wanting to have whatever the hell I was having. I sighed in relief as I realized it was all a harmless dream... dream... I FORGOT TO TELL DREAM THAT IM MOVING TO FLORIDA!
"Please put on your seat belts , the plane will be landing soon" I saw a small light light up indicating that we needed our seatbelts on. It was orange and right above us near the air conditioning which of course I already messed around with. It wasnt humanly possible to sit in that warmth of course I had to do something about it!
About time I thought to myself , I looked out the window and saw the trees getting larger and no more clouds in sight , a sigh of relief left my mouth still recovering from that nightmare I had not too long ago. The plane slowly lowering itself onto a long strip of concrete.
We have successfully landed and i was excited as i walked out of the cramped but big plane and into the cold environment. I heared many complaints about people saying how cold it actaully is but I didnt really care how cold it was. Atleast I could finally breathe. My ears then made a a little pop and everything was back to how it was , just not raining this time.
First ever wattpad story and first ever chapter ! Sorry if it didnt sound interesting enough , how am I supposed to make a plane sound interesting? And yes they left their car there but they had someone pick it up so it's fine. Who votes for making Philza and Mumza take care of the car? I do. Even if its never gonna be included in the story.
🦵🦵 -definetly not a threat
1047 words

Once upon a game
FanfictionGeorge is 26 and Dream is 22 years old! Its about a story of two youtubers , one older then the other. Dream is a faceless youtuber in Florida and well George soon is too , except from the faceless part. When they were younger they met in minecraft...