chapter 3: school time 🎒

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"okay honeyt buns!!!!!!!!!!!! lets' go!!!!!!!!!!!!" sais Ashley's mommy 😍😏🥵 they jut had a slkeepover at Ashley's 🍭 hosue and it's nwo theiro first day of school. Ashley 🍭 is very scared to go tyo school and wshe doens't want to go bc shw is scared 🤧 Mommy 😍😏🥵 gets otu of the car and opens theri doors, and unbuckling their seatbelts. First, Mommy 😍😏🥵 goes to Maya 🥶 and unblcukels her. when she goes nback to get Ashley 🍭 she sees Maya 🥶 ope ning the door and helping her out royalty style.

"Awwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!! you guys are so cute!!!!!!!!!" Mommy 😍😏🥵 syas

"Thank you Princess Maya 🥶," AShley 🍭 says to Maya 🥶

"At your service, Princess Ashley 🍭," Maya 🥶 says to Ashley 🍭 

Mommy 😍😏🥵 al,msot faints from cuteness and surpeme royzalty

Maya 🥶 holds Ashley's 🍭 hand and Mommy 😍😏🥵 leads them to thr erntrance of the shcool

"Alright kiddos!!!!!!!!!!!! good luck!!!!!!!!!!" Mommy 😍😏🥵 sayus

"I don't wana go 🥺" Ashley 🍭 says "i'm scawed 😖"

"oh come on Ashley-poo!!!!!!!!~ it'll be fun!!!!!!!!!! you even have Maya!!!!!!! not a lot fo kids already have a friend on the first day of school1!!!!!!!!!" 

but Ashley 🍭 still won't budeg.

finally, Maya 🥶 hwispers something in Ashley's🍭ear. Ashley 🍭 blushes 😳

it looks kinda like this

it looks kinda like this

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very cute

so neways Ashley 🍭 finally goeds andf Mommy 😍😏🥵 wonders what Maya 🥶 saisd to Ashley 🍭 to get her to come, bhtu she jsut shrugs and says to herselfd "eh, as long as she got hwer to go, I;m fine with it,"

she looks as they walk together into schol, hand in hand.

she can alsmto make hten out thorugh the windows of hte school. she truly hopes that her baby and her basically-her-child make it through the day just fine. she remarkws hwo close they are, and hopes that rthey will always be togehter.

DISCLAIMER: Yes, this story IS about two people that I know personally. I have gained their permission to write this story. Any sexual joke you see here has been confirmed with them and they are completely fine with them 🙉

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