CHAPTER 7:Nightime Visitor

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Previously a lot of things were happening while you and Koishi were minding your own business, but now we are coming back to you Mr.Reader, but this is not going to be a chapter about you having a normal day, because in fact... someone else will appear to make things more random


Your POV:

You were sleeping in your bed, but didn't realize that i was morning already, now you were worried about how would you tell the teachers that you missed a class...well you actually weren't that worried because you could tell them later anyway, but now there's the other will you spend the day now?

You: well, guess I'll just check my pho...wait a second where's my phone?!

Koishi: Good morning my dear~!

You: oh, it's you Koi-chan

Koishi: i like when you call me like that

You:...(wait a second why did i even do that?...uh, nevermind)

Koishi: oh by the way, i already told your teachers that you won't go to school today, and maybe for a couple weeks

You: damn, where those stairs too rough with me?

Koishi: hahahaha! Nice one N/N, you're usually not that funny

You: i dunno if that's a compliment or a roast...

Koishi: I'm honest, i can't think but I'm not a dummy to not realize, oh by the way, speaking about roast!

She took out a plate of toasts, specially made by her!

You: good, thanks a lot

Koishi: you're welcome, but they got kinda roasted

You: i don't see any flaws here...for being someone who does things unconsciously, this is perfect!

Koishi: *blushes* thank you N/N

You: you're red as a tomatoe Koishi

Koishi: really? I couldn't tell

You: but you...oh yeah, unconsciousness stuff, it's no use arguing about that, hehe!

Some minutes later

You: that was pretty good, thank you Koishi!

Koishi: you're welcome my dear, now, i think you should keep up sleeping to have a better recovery!

You: um, ok...but didn't i already sleep?

Koishi: yes, but you have to keep up because for what I've seen, humans can recover better when they sleep

You: Koishi, that's actually bad for heart...

Koishi: well, try to get up from the bed if you want

You: (my body still hurts) know what? You're right, but what are you going to do now?

Koishi: I'll be out for the entire day, I'll be looking for human stuffs to cure you

You: (can this girl perform medical procedures on people?...well thinking about it, if she does things unconsciously but in an efficient way, i don't have much to worry) ok Koishi, do as you please, also you can use the money i have on the...

Koishi: *takes out a wallet* you mean this?


Koishi: very well, sleep well my N/N

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