The creation, of (Y/N) (L/N)

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The steady stream of artificial light slowly begins to flood into your vision. The exposure makes you groan, as you lift a hand up to rub your eyes.

Muffled voices fill the silent cavity in your ears.

"Looks like he's finally awake" Said one voice.

"Time to introduce him I guess" Another one replied.

A door creaks open as your eyes open wider, just enough to take in your surroundings. You were in an operating room of sorts, except, this so called 'Operating room' was filled with tools. Not the one surgeons used, but tools you would find in a mechanics workshop.

Walking through the door, were presumably the 2 people talking from earlier, both dressed in white coats found on scientists, and both wearing safety goggles. They begin to address you.

"Hey," The first guy says bluntly, giving you a wave. Clearly, this man was not the professional in the room. The second man chuckles a bit as he too, begins to speak.

"Hello (Y/N), my name is Doctor Yostar, do you understand your situation?" He asks, as if testing a hypothesis.

You tilt your head, like a confused puppy.

Doctor Yostar sighs "My apologies, I should've made my question more specific... Do you understand the war that is going on at this moment?"

This time, you nod your head and respond. "The war of Humanity and Sirens, as well as Red Axis and Azur lane."

"Correct! And do you know who, or what you are?"

"I am an artificially made battleship, made to fight on the seas." You blurt this information out, surprising yourself. You had only recently awaken with little to no information, yet this information was hidden away at the back of your mind, ready to be pulled out at moments notice.

You look around again as you inspect your own body. Noticing one fatal flaw, You were male. All Shipgirls are female.

"Although, there is one thing I do not understand" You ask the Doctor.

"And what might that be?" Doctor Yostar responds

"Why am I male? I thought all Shipgirls were required to be female."

"Well, we were experimenting, and testing theories about Shipgirls being only girls, and we had heard from other nations that the only possible gender for a Ship to be was female, but I had begged to differ, so I took on the challenge to create the worlds first Shipboy, and here we are, with you."

You nod your head "Understood, Doctor."

"Good, you will be heading out to join your respective faction now."

You stand up, and begin making your way out of the room, but as you put your hand on the stone cold door handle, the Doctor called you back yet again.

"Also one more thing (Y/N), as you can probably see, you aren't modelled after any existing World War 2 battleships, hence, we had to do some tinkering with your equipment. I'll get your Rig ready and send it to your base once its done, but for the meantime, just avoid battles. Please."

"Duly noted"

----------Time skip and scene change----------

In the Ironblood base, all the Shipgirls were congregated into a massive crowd as one figure stood tall in the middle of them, on top of a mass of stacked boxes. It was none other than the Commander of the Ironblood fleet.

"Alright everybody, listen up!" The crowd quiets down to see that the Commander has to say.

"In a few hours, a new ally will be joining forces with us." The crowd seemed mostly uninterested, as this happened fairly often, but what came next was the bombshell.

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