Rigging up

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Prinz Eugen was on the approach to an aircraft carrier, holding both Akagi and Kaga, both performing vital repairs from the damage after attacking the Azur Lane Naval base.

Eugen begins the final approach to the ship as her rigging hoists her high above the deck, startling both Akagi and Kaga by her sudden appearance.

"Well hello" Prinz Eugen in her normal, teasing tone of voice. Who knew why she spoke like that.

"Well about time you arrived isn't it." Kaga responds rather coldly while Akagi tends to her wounds. The occasional lick now and then as well, just like foxes.

"Well, what is it that you want from me?" Eugen asks, raising an eyebrow whilst grabbing a nearby snack. She eats one, then feeds the rest to her rigging. The inanimate object wolfing down the food like it had been starved for days.

"Zuikaku and Shokaku are launching an ambush of one of the Azur Lane fleets. I want you, and a few others to go assist them." Akagi stops tending to her sisters wounds for a moment to speak.

"Right, seems easy enough, anything else?" Eugen asks, wary of the catch.

Kaga responds dryly. "Just don't die"

Eugen chuckles before she dropped of the aircraft carrier, and sped along to the directions of Zuikaku and Shokaku. She reaches for a radio fitted in her ear and radios back to the Ironblood Headquarters.

"Prinz Eugen to Admiral Hipper, how copy?" Eugen radios to Hipper. Since they were sisters she trusts Hipper to get it done.

"Hipper to Eugen, What do you want" Hipper responds to Eugen in her usual tsundere tone. Eugen chuckles at her sisters usual behaviour.

"We're assisting an ambush on an enemy fleet. I want you, Ayanami, Z-23 and (Y/N) to come along. Let's see how well he can fight.

"Him?! Are you absolutely sure sister? I mean, look at him! He literally just got made, and you expect him to help us fight? The most he'll be is a dead weight!" Hipper argues, mildly surprised that Eugen would want him to fight.

"Of course I'm sure. Just get it done." Prinz Eugen responds, turning a deaf ear to her sisters shouts.

"Ugh, fine then, But if he dies, it's on you!" Hipper promptly cuts the line as Prinz Eugen sighs.

Scene Change

Back at the Ironblood base, you were watching Hipper walk around, kicking the dirt as she argued with someone over the long range radio.

You tilt your head at this behaviour, but you weren't nearly as confused or frightened by it as you had been when you first met her, a few weeks ago.

Flashback: At the Common Room.

The Common Room. The place where everybody could read a book, do homework, or really, just anything, and bask in the silence and tranquility of it... Until Admiral Hipper arrives, of course.

Hipper sat down on a desk, while you sat down opposite of her. The both of you were doing math problems assigned by the Professor of the Ironblood base.

It was actually surprisingly calm for the first few minutes, but as soon as the problems started getting harder, you could see the smoke coming out of Hippers ears. She was fuming and you could see that.

Slowly, she stood up, clenched fists, furrowed eyebrows, and shaking all over. Thats when you felt a tap on your back... It was Prinz Eugen.

"My dear sister can get a bit.... feisty when it comes to her temper tantrums. I suggest you start running. Now." Eugen books it and speeds out of the building with the other Shipgirls in hot pursuit.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2022 ⏰

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