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"Bye dad." I say hugging my father.
"Bye Estella, bye Cedric." he says hugging us back.
I get on the train.
"Astrea, i'm going to sit in the front." Cedric says
"Ok." i say
He walks off.
I try and find an empty compartment on the train.
I walk for a bit and see one and get in and begin reading books i had to get for the year.
"Hey mind if i sit with you?" hi hear a male voice say.
I look up and see a platinum blonde boy.
"Sure." i smile
He sits across from me.
"I'm Draco Malfoy." he says
"I'm Estella Diggory." i say
"Ah Cedric's sister?" he asks
"yep." i say nodding.
"You're a Slytherin right?" He asks again
"100 percent." i nod
"I should see you around the common room" he gives me a flashy smile.
I giggle.
"Mind if my friends come and sit, they are still looking for seats?" he asks me

After a while his friends come and we work up conversations.
"We better change into our robes, nice talking to you Estella." A black haired boy named Blaise says
"Nice to meet you too." I give him a small smile.
I hadn't even noticed it had gotten dark.

The train stops and I see Hagrid flagging down  first years, then 2nd years, and then 3rd years.
He finally calls 4th years off and I find raven, she was with her boyfriend.
"Estella!" she says hugging me
"Hey Raven!" i say
"I missed you so much." She smiles
"I missed you to, i had a long conversation with your brother and his friends on the train." i tel her.
"oh god." she shakes her head.
I giggle.
"Ello Estella." Hagrid says
"Hi Hagrid." i say waving up at him

Raven, her boyfriend and I get on a boat with another boy, he was friends with Draco, but he didn't talk.
"You're friends with Draco right?" I ask
"Yup." he says
"I'm Estella" I smile at him.
"I'm Mattheo Riddle." He gives me a warm smile.
"I guess i'll see you around the common room" I say
"Yup." he says
"Gosh it's always cold." I say
"Come sit next to me." He suggest
"Thank you." I say
"Of course." he says
I sit next to him and I shiver less.
He scoots closer to me and wraps his arm around me.
"Oh shit." I hear raven say
"What?" I ask her
"The boat is steering the wrong way." she says
I look over and see us floating away from the others.
"This is going to be a very long boat ride." I roll my eyes.
"Yea a cold one." she nods
"I'm so tired, why did this have to happen?" i say
I begin falling asleep and my head falls on Mattheo's shoulder.

I wake up to Raven cheering.
"What is going on?" i ask
"We're finally steering the right way, Mattheo fixed the spell." she says
"Thank you." i say looking up at him.
"You're welcome." he says

45 Minutes later we float to shore.
"There you kids are." Professor McGonagall says.
"The boat drifted its own way, if it wasn't for Mattheo we would have been stuck out there all night." i say
"We'll go to your rooms and get a good nights rest." Professor McGonagall says
We all nod.
"See you tomorrow." Raven waves heading to Gryffindor tower.
"Bye." I smile walking with Mattheo.
"Thank you again Mattheo." I smile
"Don't thank me." He says with a smile.
"Mattheo, Estella, god everyone has been worried." Draco says
"We're ok." Mattheo says
"I'm going to bed." I yawn.
"Goodnight." Draco and Mattheo say at the same time.
I walk up to my dorm and change.
I crawl into bed and look out of the window and fall asleep.

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