Chapter 1

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      Sheltered, that was one way to describe Amari. Many people didn't even know of the young girls existence as she rarely ever is allowed to step foot outside, it's not like she's held hostage it's just .. complicated as her father would say.
      Amari has an autoimmune disease solar urticaria, this makes it so any time sun touches her skin she breaks out in hives, sometimes she even becomes lethargic and can pass out. So to avoid that happening she stays inside almost constantly, really the only human interaction she has is with her family. No school, no friends, no normal teenager experiences.
       Once the girl asked her father about school and she couldn't even finish her sentence before she was shot down, ever since harry gained custody of the girl she'd been homeschooled. now, does that mean had never been in public school? no not at all she'd been in school for a day in kindergarten when she'd lived with her mother in Florida, which was before anyone knew of her illness.
      It'd been the first day of kindergarten and Amaris mother dropped her off, without saying goodbye I love you or anything. that was normal for the girl, so she didn't really think anything of it, in all honesty she thought that's how it was for other kids as well. so when she walked into the front doors and saw all the other kids hugging their parents she was very confused but she ignored it not everyone had to be like her. Like her nanny said, "to each their own".  Everything was fine until it came time for recess, they all went outside and ran to the play spot they'd liked the most except Amari. She stayed right there under the slight shade by the door, that was until a few girls came and asked her to play. Amari never really had a friend before she was usually with her nanny as her mom would leave for days on end. So she excitedly followed the girls right into the middle of the play ground.. directly under the sun. At first she'd just felt a little tingly then the sensation gradually got worse and turned into a painful burning and itching, she didn't notice anything different other than that until the girls she was playing with looked a her with a look of confusion and slight disgust.                                                                                    A teacher who'd been watching the students quickly took notice of the girls condition, and to say she'd looked bad would be an understatement. Walking up to them she gently takes Amari's arm and escorts her to the office where they then call her mother only to not get a reply. Amari's mother was not the best person, she had a serious addiction that seemed to only get worse when she had Amari. I know what you're probably thinking, "well where's her dad?". Harry had met Amaris mother a little after Leah was born, it was a rough night as him and Sue had gotten in an argument and he got mad and went to the bar where he met her. I think you know where I'm going with this.. A few months later when the situation was long forgotten after harry had already came clean to Sue seeing as he was far to guilty to hide it he got a call. A call from a women saying she was about to have his baby in an hour, and if he didn't get there immediately she'd abort it. Telling Sue she quickly called her sister to watch Leah and they both left quickly. Harry had offered to take Amari seeing as how anyone can look at the woman and tell she's on drugs but she stubbornly said no, but she'd like child support.                                                         
Anyways back to Amari's school, to sum it up quickly and get to present time Amari fainted and was sent to the hospital. They'd tried calling her mother but when they realized the women they'd been looking for was the women that was just brought in for an overdose they decided to call the second number on the emergency list.. which happened to be harry. He got the first flight to Florida where he was told he was to get custody of his daughter that he'd only saw once, and that she had a terrible illness. It was a lot to take in for the man but he quickly agreed as one he didn't have much of a choice, and two he really wanted a bond with the girl. She was so small and underweight from her mothers lack of care for if she ate or not. So just like that Amari was packing her things into a suitcase to move with her father.

******************13 years later****************

"Amari, come down here honey" Amari quickly snapped out of whatever wonderland she was in when she heard the loud voice of her father calling for her. "coming!" she replied softly, her voice was naturally quiet so eventually harry had to get used to the quiet speaking. Running down the steps the first thing she sees is her father standing by the stair case with a container of what looks to be his fish fry and a case of beers.
      "you feeling ok today darling?" the girl quickly nods eager to know what he's going to ask next. "doesn't look like the suns gonna come out today so i was wondering if you'd wanna come with me to a friends to watch the game?" a smile makes its way to her face almost immediately the last time the girl left the how had been nearly a month ago so to say she was excited was an understatement. "yes i'd really like to go". with a gentle smile he whispers "we'll go get ready then"
       Amari immediately complied and ran upstairs before harry had even finished his sentence. 'what to wear' the girl thought. deciding on something comfy she throws on a pink hoodie, fluffy white pajama shorts (so she's comfy if they're there long) knee length socks and black high top converse.  fixing her curly hair so it sits just how she likes. Amari already has naturally long eyelashes so she doesn't use makeup not that she owns any anyway.
"i'm ready" she says breathless as she'd ran down the stairs as fast as she could. "we'll let's go then kiddo." and just like that they were on their way. Little did Amari know how drastically her life was about to change.

First chapter 👍🏼 i tried the next chapter will be longer this was just trying to show bits of her childhood. new chapter soon


word count: 1115

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