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   "Ready to play this gig?"

   The group of four twenty somethings gathered in a circle, about to perform their pre-show ritual. There was a series of clapping and stomping, and the group began the chant.

  "Sasha! Are you ready?"

  Sasha Brawner. Twenty five, master of high screaming, and shredder of rhythm guitar. She was the frontman of this ragtag band called Six Feet Under, as well as the founder. Black hair, tan skin, and bright blue eyes gave her more of a California complex than a Kansas one.

  "Fuck yeah I'm ready." She clapped along. "Shaun, you ready, babe?"

   Shaun Brawner. Twenty four, slayer of drums. He married Sasha in July of 2013, and they had one child, Molly. The only in the band with more than one tattoo, and a piercing other than ears.

  "Hell yes. Lil?"

   Lily Fuentes, only child of an only child. The twenty seven year old is often asked if she's related to the famous Fuentes brothers, to which she always replies no. Deep brown hair and brown eyes, she bears striking resemblance to the two, despite her claims and being Baltimore-born, and she bombs low screaming, when the band does scream. And she's known as 'fire fingers' for her skill on the bass.

   "You bet I am." She grinned. "Cameron?"

   Cameron Mitchell-Summers. Twenty seven, and the lead guitar/backup vocalist. Long brown hair, green eyes and a contagious laugh, the Arkansas-born petite is the life of the stage, often hiding the single tattoo she has. It's a lyric, or quote, she heard somewhere in the air and it stuck in her mind, so she got it tattooed on her forearm. It's such a shame that we built a wreck out of me.

    "Let's get this party started!"

   The four all put hair hands in a circle, and then proceeded to smack each other until everyone's hand was red.

   "Let's go!"

   They all ran onstage, grinning and waving, imneditely sliding into a well known original of theirs; Kiss And Tell.

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