Open for Me

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   "What do you mean you're canceling, it's a week before the tour!"

   Mat Flyzik was, currently, not a happy camper.

  "I'm sorry, the band can't." You Me At Six's manager apologized.

  A bit more back and fourth ensued before Flyzik sighed, accepting the fact they he had lost an opener.

  "Fuck. Hell. Dammit!" He exclaimed, hands running through his hair.

  A brown haired male gently sat himself next to the frustrated man. "Yo, Flyzik, what's goin' on?"

  "We just lost an opener for the Spring Fever tour, Alex."

  Alex Gaskarth sighed. "Things are just fucking up all over the place."

   Alex had recently broken up with his girlfriend of five years, Lisa. It was mutual; neither were satisfied with the standstill the relationship had taken. It doesn't mean it still didn't hurt; he just wasn't overly torn up about it.

  And now he lost one of his openers.

  "Hey- let's not worry about it. Let's just go out tonight, relax, and deal with it tomorrow. I'll take you to a club,they do live performances and some are really good." Alex suggested. He wasn't going to take no for an answer and Mat knew it.

  "Fine. It's late, we should just go now."

  Alex cheered, racing out the door down the streets of LA. Mat grinned, following.

    "Hey, Mat. This is a really good band." Alex commented. It was a band called Six Feet Under, and three of the four were female.

  When they started belting out a cover of The New National Anthem by Pierce the Veil, Mat didn't expect them to get as good as they did.

  The drums were perfect. And the lyrics- all of the girls harmonized, and they all screamed.

  The hook was what made him decide they were going on Spring Fever.

  The frontman was belting out the note the strongest he had heard- the background vocalist on the found and the lead guitar with the scream.

  "Why would I let you go?!"

"Holy shit." Mat stated. Alex nodded, sipping his beer. "I want them on Spring Fever."

  "We'll talk to them after they get off." Alex nodded.

    They went on for another thirty minutes, singing along to a cover of If You Can't Hang, and original titled Close Your Eyes and Let Me Help You, and an original titled Drown In Anything But Your Tears.

  Alex was mesmerized with the stage presence the entire band held. They told jokes onstage, the frontman, Sasha, and lead guitarist Cameron even tussled a little onstage, laughing the whole time.

    He caught himself laughing once or twice. Or three times.

  And soon enough, the show was over, and he and Flyzik raced to get backstage.

   They were allowed through with proof of identification, and they knocked on the door, Alex bouncing in anticipation.

   The drummer, Shaun, opened the door, a confused look plastered onto his face until it dropped into a look of oh my god.

  "Come in!" He exclaimed, stepping aside for the two males to enter. Alex smiled, walking in first, Flyzik following.

   All of the girls were busy. Cameron was scrubbing what appeared to be foundation off of her arms, Sasha was facetiming a baby, and Lily was in the back room, changing.

   "Guys. Company. Important." Shaun stated.

   Sasha rolled her blue eyes, saying goodbye to the small child on her phone and ending the call. She tucked it back into her pocket, turning around with a sickly sweet smile until she met eyes with Alex. She let out a small screech, putting her hands over her mouth.

   The screech scared Cameron, who dropped the wipe she was using on her arm when she jumped, whipping around to face Sasha. "What the hell? You scared the shit out of me!"

  She turned to look at who else was in the room, and she continued to flicker from the two guests to Shasha.

  "What's the big deal? Its a cute guy."

  Alex smirked to himself; she thought he was cute.

   "It's Alex fricken Gaskarth! You know, the one who I- actually I'm not going to finish that sentence." Sasha decided, nodding to herself. "He's the one who wrote the lyrics you have tattooed."

   Alex's eyebrows rose at that. "You got a tattoo of my lyrics and didn't know it was me?"

  Cameron nodded.

   The door to the back room flung open and Lily came running out. "I hear the words 'Alex', 'Gaskarth', and then I heard his voice am I dead?! Cam, pinch me. Now."

   Alex studied the girl, and a smile lit up his face. "Fuentes!" He ran over, hugging the small Mexican. She laughed, hugging back.

   "It's been forever! Holy shit. You're in LA? In a band?" He asked.

  "I moved right after junior year. And met these assholes." Lily laughed.

   "Love you too, bitch." Cameron smiled.

   Mat decided enough goofing off had been done. "Hey, we have a pretty big question for you guys."

   "What?" Sasha asked, clearing her throat and taking a sip of her water.

   "Will you open for our Spring Fever tour?" Alex grinned.

   Sasha nearly choked on her water, Lily stared wide eyed and Shaun just looked to Cameron to answer.

   She smirked. "Fuck yeah we will."

  Mat smirked right back. "Wonderful."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2015 ⏰

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