Take 1

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Soft pants fill the candle lit room. You two sit in a position that has you facing each other. Her freshly shaven legs rub against yours. You swore you could feel a growing wet patch through her thin panties.

Polar hands caress your lower back, slowly, worshiping every moment of skin-to-skin contact. Her nails faintly scratch your bare skin. Your mind wandering to how they might feel against your breasts. You ached for friction.

The thought made you shiver, melt. So slightly that even Sasha may not have registered it. You wanted–needed more of her.

Your faces inches apart, her gaze flickering between your eyes and lips. You couldn't help the hitch in your breath at the sight of her. Her soft pale skin. Messy ponytail, with a few loose strands that hung out. The hint of pink gloss coded her lips. Her plump yet muscular build. Sasha is hot. And everything about her made you long for more. More, anything. More of her.

Without breaking the heated mutual stare, you take her cheek in your hand. The silence is eating away at you, you desperately want to say something, you wish you could... you wish she would.

"You look so pretty sitting on my lap like this."

Your eyebrows raise without your conscious permission, not realizing that your seductive eyes went soft, you try not to portray the visible shock you felt but–.


You both simultaneously shoot your heads towards your director.

"Braus, that was not in the script."

The director curses at both of you. Mainly Sasha, but you weren't exempt from the scolding.

"I'm sorry, Mr. director, sir. I'm not sure what came over me... I must've mixed up my lines."

She replied in a sarcastic yet condescendingly innocent voice.

Stylists ran to hand you and Sasha silk robes. The scene was over without a doubt, and you didn't blame him. This had to be the fifth time Sasha ruined a take. Strange for an actress as experienced as herself.

She pats your lower back, hinting for you to get off her lap. Thanking her stylist for the plum-colored robe, then slipping it on to conceal her lingerie that tempted you so much more than it should have.

"I can see you staring, y'know."

"I wasn't–I uh–love your robe."

Yeah... definitely looking at the garment.

"Yeah? Wanna switch robes?"

You replied with a hesitant 'yes'. Saying no would only raise her suspension. Little did you know it was the best split-second decision you'd ever made.

The rest of your time on the set, you got to smell her sweet scent. As if you were together the entire day. Her cloak reeked of cookies dipped in a vanilla scent. They required Sasha to wear the perfume due to her contract, amongst other strange expectations. (On the bright side; it helped with scenes, especially intimate ones).

Luckily, no amount of perfume covered her natural aroma. You had a few extra makeup and hair changes today, so you spent a majority of your shift in the dressing room, in her intoxicating robe.

By the evening, your legs were equivalent to jello. Tired was an extreme understatement. Sasha hadn't been the only coworker fucking up multiple takes. Pieck was under the influence of god knows what, and couldn't get her lines right for the life of her. Hanji turned into a massive klutz, knocking over equipment, microphones, and all. And let's not even get started on Eren. He giggled almost every. Single. Scene.

Switching up the Scene | Sasha Braus x reader & Pieck Finger x readerWhere stories live. Discover now