Music Lover || Prolouge || UPDATED

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As you grew up you always loved death metal music, meanwhile, your parents hated any type of metal music, they were more into jazz, you didn't care though.

But once you turned twenty-five you tried to join any type of metal band, mostly death metal but it never worked out, society still thought that women weren't allowed to have this type of job, which made you frustrated.

Sadly because of the sexist men that had metal bands you had to work at your parents old laundry mat, but you got some good cash because of it.

One day, your best-friend who's father was the friends of a metal band called the GLAMROCKS got you tickets to one of they're performances, you have heard of them before so you instantly agreed to it. Luckily the tickets were backstage as well and V.I.P, meaning you can see them way better.

As you and your friend were getting to your V.I.P seats you caught the eye of one of the players in the band, you guys held eye contact for what seemed like an hour but was only a second.

Throughout the whole thing you thought of him, you and him kept holding eye contact every few minutes, you could feel something inside of you, which made you nervous each second.

When the performance ended, you realized, you still had to see them backstage, which made something flutter inside of you.

As people started leaving you and your friend were going to the backstage area, you felt like you could trip due to your own thoughts, your feelings were taking over.

It felt like you had been controlled by the devil himself..

283 words.

Controlled By The Devil Himself || SECURITY BREACH ||REDOING BOOK Where stories live. Discover now