Killer queen

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After that 'argument' between roy and ross you all agree that roy should join fight/reasoning against queen

buying a lot of butjuices and and spaghetticodes you all are ready and got up the roof

And after avoiding lasers on the ground you all saw queen sitting on her floating chair, she turns around and notice all of you. Especially roy

"Ah my sweet idiot children you are just in time witness my world domination, it's only a matter of time before I unleash the power from roy"

"What are you talking about?"

"This" a blue wire came and wraps itself around roy's body and dragged him to queen

"Roy!" the three of you said in sync

"My control plugs are not suitable for teenagers yet so roy's face is safe for now, which is a good thing! now I can turn his head into a robot, I would use my plugs on all of you but that was the last plug I have"

"Enough already!" You, ross and robert took out your weapons

"Oh dear. I do sincerely quite like you three, it will be a shame to force you to serve me. An enjoyable shame" the fight begins

The three of you hits the queen making her sip away from her position, then she floats back to her spot

"Nobody has to fight queen, think about your citizens aren't you supposed to make them happy?" Robert said trying to convince queen

"Is that not what I'm doing?" Then the wire moves roy forward

"Roy use that CD bracelet of yours and hit the enemies. or else" queen points at the electricity on top of his head

"I don't want to hurt you but World domination doesn't happen itself you know"

"Sorry guys." Then purple lasers came shooting at your soul, but the lasers aren't really that hard to dodge

"If you lighters want to stop fighting all you have to do is to just simply be my slaves"

After that everything repeats itself, hitting, dodging, getting hit, healing, the rest just goes on

(yes we're going there, I'm not gonna describe the entire ass fight)

You all fight for 13 minutes straight then....

"Guys I think I know what's holding us down, it's roy"

"What are you talking about?" Robert ask

"notice how queen is using roy to give her that battery acid?"

"Well the shield has been slowing us down."

"Maybe if ross throws me to that wire over there, I'll realise roy so queen wouldn't have anyone to get her acid"

"Well ok then, if it's worth the shot" ross points his staff at you and raises you up, and throws you to the wire

You grabbed onto the wire and cut it with your sword, making roy fall but lucky you grabbed him by his shirt

you jumped down from the wire while holding him Bird style

"Are you alright?"


"Ha! Do you foolish children think that I could be defeated without roy by my side? I can still gain access to my I acid dispenser without him, bottoms up" she raises her glass. but nothing happened

"Wait a second" she raises her glass again. Nothing happened

"Hey chat, dose anyone know what happened to that stuff?" You walked back to the gang as they put their weapons down

Hatzrune (hatzgang x deltarune crossover) (reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now