Part 62

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 "What exactly do you wish to wear for tomorrow Mrs. Malhotra? A Lehenga?" asked the designer who had come to help Nandini decide on what to wear for her reception the next day.

"Honestly, I've been into lehengas for all the functions and so definitely not  a lehenga. I want to have a saree for tomorrow." replied Nandini 

"Great,let's try on a few on you in that case." replied the lady .

"Yeah sure,if you may have the outfits in my room upstairs,I will be there" said Nandini passing her a smile and leaving towards the kitchen .

"Hii baby." said Nyonika hugging her dear daughter in law "Reema is here,select whatever you like , kay?"

"Haan I met her outside Mamma" replied Nandini,proceeding towards the refrigerator and taking out the plate of brownies and eating them,when she received a message from Manik.


"Nandini,I am at Mukti's place. She had something stressing her out , will be a little late. Won't be there to help you with your reception outfit but that's goodright?it would be a surprise for me.Naira sent something for you in the morning,its in your cupboard.Take care, I love you<3" read the message.

She smiled,before replying to the message and rushing up to her room to check what Naira had sent for her leaving a chuckling Nyonika behind.

"Di, I am confused and you know you are the only one who can help me right now,as always. Open the box and call me." read the paper attached to the box.

Confused,she opened the box which had a PREGNANCY TEST, what surprised her further was that it was positive.

Nandini did not know how to react to this,obviously she was happy but the way Naira conveyed it to her confused her a bit. She ran for her phone and called Naira.

"Congratulations my darling" said Nandini as soon as she heard Naira.

"Di umm thankyou" said Naira uncomfortably

Is that what the reaction should have been?wondered Nandini

"What are you upto Naira? Aren't you happy about this? and why did you not tell Kartik  ?" said Nandini all in one go as she demanded answers

"Di I don't know how to say this over phone,I want to meet you" said Naira,sobbing

"Naira,calm down first of all. Listen take care of yourself okay?I will be there shortly" said Nandini knowing it was nothing small.

"No Di not today,we are anyways meeting tomorrow, don't worry for me,I am fine." said Naira convincing Nandini to not be at the Murthy's then.

After a lot of convincing did Nandini agree and they hung up the call. If the situation would have been different,she would have been dancing all around the house being happy about it but now that Naira indicated things to be complicated,she did not know what to do.

Her thoughts were interrupted by Reema who knocked at her. After about an hour,they settled on a red embroidered saree , royal that it was.

Nandini showed it to Nyonika and bua dadi who loved it instantly but a comment from bua dadi "Nyonika,look at Nandini , the way she is understanding her responsibilities in the house already do you think with a child to take care of,anyone would be able to do the same" left her thinking for a while but she shrugged it off


At around 9,Manik returned back to see Nandini sleeping in their room with her back on the headboard. Pecking her forehead,he went to freshen up . By the time he returned,he saw Nandini up looking at him. He passed her a smile approaching towards the other side of the bed. Though the smile was returned but it was very easy for him to make it out t was not from her heart.

Deciding not to talk about it then,he sat beside her opening his arms for her. Nandini laid down with her had on his torso while Manik pecked her forehead now and then.

"Busy day Mrs. Malhotra?" asked Manik playing with her hair

"Not really Mr. Malhotra, it seems you did though. How is Mukti?" Nandini asked looking at him

"She will be okay. Did you have something?" asked Manik diverting the topic real quick.

"Hmm hmm Brownies" said Nandini getting up from her position going towards the door "And now, let's go down Manik,you need to have your dinner" said she opening the door for him passing him her bright 'real' smile

"So do you Nandini,Brownies khaana hota hai? Kya maza aati hai vo cake lite khaake? Its not even nutritious." said Manik pouncing back towards the door.

"What do you mean? Do you know how beautiful that tastes?" argued Nandini closing the door behind their back.

And here started the advantages and disadvantages of brownies down the stairs. Having their dinner,Manik and Nandini slept with content smiles. Even though,the day was a roller coaster for the two of them,Nandini losing a patient,then Naira while for Manik what Mukti shared with him. It had stressed the two , YES but at the end of the day,together,the smiles and them being together was enough for them to be happy even in stress.

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