tension: larry one shot

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"Louis!" Harry shouted from the kitchen. "It's time for dinner!"

Ever since One Direction's final tour had ended a year ago and the band had gone their different ways, Harry and Louis had been sharing an apartment in London. The thought of separation had been so unbearable that the two decided to just live together. Harry cooked, Louis cleaned, and it was overall very healthy household. 

Except for, you know, the mass amount of sexual tension.

Louis was still with Eleanor, and Harry had jumped from girlfriend to girlfriend, never keeping one for more than two weeks. This time, it was a girl called Ash who was blonde with blue eyes, and, frankly, she made Louis quite sick.  Louis had been harboring feelings for Harry over the past few months, and the same with Harry. The only problem was that neither of them knew, and kept their girlfriends (or in Harry's case, multiple girlfriends) close to cover it up so that nothing would be ruined. Their friendship had lasted more than 10 years, and both of the boys wanted to keep it that way.

Louis trotted into the kitchen wearing pajama bottoms and no shirt (to Harry's surprise) and sat down at the table. "What's it tonight, love?" he asked. "Just some pasta," Harry replied, "nothing too shocking." He placed a bowl of pasta at either side of the table and set out some forks as well. They ate for the next few minutes in silence, the awkwardness that had been growing for the past few months settling in quickly. "Eleanor came by today looking for you," Harry said eventually, trying to break the silence. "Did she?" Louis placed his head in his hand and twirled his fork in his bowl. "Yeah. I broke up with Ash," Harry continued, "she was way too irritating for me to handle." Louis sighed in relief, his fork clattering on the table as he threw his hands in the air. "Thank god, that girl was about to get it from me. Her voice wouldn't get out of my head every time she came by. 'Harry, I want to go to the park," Louis whined in a falsetto. Harry laughed. They hadn't joked around with each other in a while, and it was nice to feel normal again. When the laughter died down, however, the silence ensued.

"Well, it's getting late, I'm off to bed," Louis said, scratching his neck. Harry shook his head, ready to clean the kitchen and retreat to his room like every other night this month. Suddenly, as he was picking up the dishes, something stopped him. His anger increasingly grew until he was almost boiling with rage, so he slammed the bowls down and turned to face Louis. "Why, Louis?!" he shouted. "Why are you going to bed?!" Louis stood there, startled. He hadn't seen Harry this angry in a while. "Well, because it's late, and this is what we usually -" "BUT IT'S NOT LATE!" Harry screamed. "AND WE DON'T USUALLY DO THIS!" Louis stood there, taken completely aback by Harry's outburst, and Harry breathed heavily, leaning against the counter. "I'm sick of whatever's been going on lately," he said calmly. "It's killing me, and I know it's killing you too. I see it. We never used to go to bed early, hell, we never used to even sleep in separate rooms. We haven't gone out in months, we haven't watched a movie together since December, and we can't even look at each other without flinching. What's going on Louis? I can't carry on like this anymore." Louis looked down, and then sat on the floor. "I know what's going on, Haz. But if I tell you... it might ruin everything, you do understand that, right?" Harry slowly nodded. "Go on and tell me then. Anything's better than this." Louis let out a breath. "Alright, but please, please hear me out before you say anything." Harry nodded again, looking at his fingernails to avoid Louis' eyes. "Tell me." 

"Harry, I think I might be in love with you."

Harry dropped his hand to his side, staring at Louis. Louis stared back for a few moments until he couldn't bear it, and dropped his gaze to the kitchen tiles. The silence that followed could be described as completely unbearable. "Louis..." Harry said, running a hand through his curls. "I don't think that's going to be a problem." Expecting this response, Louis' eyes began filling with tears, and he pushed himself off the ground. As he was walking out of the kitchen, Harry grabbed his shoulder and turned Louis to face him. "It won't be a problem, because... I love you too." Louis' eyes widened slightly in shock. Harry lightly smiled, and Louis reflected the expression, giggling slightly. "Well... now we know," he said, shrugging. "Now we know," Harry repeated. Louis coughed. "Well, I suppose I should head to bed anyway, so, I think I'll hop in the shower -" "yeah, yeah, no worries, you do that-" Both the boys rambled as they moved out of the kitchen and into the hallway. They stopped outside Harry's bedroom door, staring at each other. "Oh, fuck it," Harry growled, kissing Louis and pushing him into the room, closing the door behind them.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2015 ⏰

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