I will remember

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For some reason everything was a blur. As I rub my eyes awake I open to see I don't really recognize where I am.
But then everything comes flushing back into my brain.
My body sprung up so that I was now sitting on the bed.
"Cole?" I called out. He was the only one I seemed to have a real connection too.
I looked around and found him in a chair in the corner. I must have woken him up when I called for him.
My cheeks turned probably as red as a lobster.
"You slept here all night?" I asked looking away from him nervously.
"Yes" he said but quickly added "was that okay?" A little softer. "Yes" I replied "it's just weird to know you saw me sleeping"
"I've seen you sleep before love, you're absolutely beautiful." He stated
I blushed. Hard.
Why does he make me feel this way?
He moves himself off the chair and in the side of the bed. His leg touching mine.
"How are you?" He asked me
"Still clueless if that's what you mean." I said with frustration in my tone
Apparently my memory was wiped and I just want them back. I was lied to my anima. They used me. I felt anger heat my face.
He put his hands on my jaw and moved my eyes up to his. For a moment I felt peace. Then the world faded again-
We were in the shower together. We were completely naked. I was about to say something-
But a knock on the bedroom door interrupted the vision. If I didn't look like a lobster before I definitely did now.
"Breakfast in 20" some man called from the other side.
Coles gaze never left my eyes.
"Well I'll let you shower.. and I'll wait here. I'll shower after you." He said and he got up and grabbed me clothes.
"Are those mine? Or are they someone else's. They were female clothes. I felt jealousy burning inside for some reason.
"They're yours" he said noticing the change in my breathing.
I relaxed. We tossed me the clothes and I stood there confused. I didn't know where the bathroom was.
"Over here" he said amused.
I walked into the shower and when he closed the door I felt alone. I put my clothes down and I grabbed my phone. I texted him.
"Come back for a second"
He replied instantly
"More questions I assume?"
But the door instantly opened then closed. I looked at him. What was I doing?
"What's wrong" he asked concerned.
"Well.." I started
"Well what..?" He asked
I looked around the room for a distraction so I can ask this out of line but needed question.
I spotted toothpaste. Sure that'll work.
"Did you want to join me...?" I asked
"To save water- or something" I quickly added.
I met his gaze. He was surprised.
I instantly took my shirt off. I wasn't wearing a bra or anything.
His eye never left mine but his pupils dilated to where I couldn't see his beautiful Violet eyes.
I turned my back to him and started removing my spandex that I slept in.
I was completely naked.
"So?" I asked with more confidence.
He started to fumble taking his shirt off.
He stopped before he got to his shorts.
"Are you sure?" He asked.
"100%. I have this connection with you. I need to see where it goes." I said as I start to move closer to him to help the removal of his shorts. As I do so. I start the water in the shower.
Then I enter. He wasn't far behind me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2022 ⏰

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