Hollywood shenanigans

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After last week, meeting the guys, finally getting my personal life together I feel that this 'Hollywood' lifestyle is definitely for me. Will was right, we have the best egos for Hollywood, because we just got requested to go to some studio near the famous whiskey a go-go to show off some of our private songs, almost like an audition for a guy that's supposedly really big here in Hollywood.

But here is the thing, we can't use instruments, just our voices. Fuck.

Izzy can drop us off but he can't go in with us either, so it's just me and Will for today.

"So, are you guys ready? Nervous? What's the catch" Izzy asked throughout the apartment.

"Both" Will responded, looking at Izzys computer, he had searched up something earlier and can't seem to keep his eyes off it.

I smiled "Yeah, kinda both, my voice seems to sound weird without music so i'm kinda nervous about that and uh, really i'm not nervous for performance I always do my thing out there, y'know"

Izzy walked towards us, sitting down on the couch next to me as he nodded understandingly.

"Hey, yo, Will, you gonna pay attention to your friend and girlfriend or what" Izzy said with a smirk.

I turned my body to him, raising an eyebrow as I smacked his stomach making him cover it with his arm with a cocky grin and chuckle.

"I really hate you, I truly d-" I began saying as Will cut me off.

"Well of course, Izz" Will said sitting next to me as he put his arm around my shoulder.

I looked up at him as I sighed.

"I hate men"

It was around 1:30, once me and Will decided to get ready we would try and walk there instead. It was about 10 minutes to get there anyway so it wouldn't take that long for us to walk there.

"I'm gonna go get ready" Will said getting up as he made his way to the bathroom.

I watched him enter the bathroom closing it behind him, taking off to the computer Izzy had next to the balcony doors.

I looked at the screen only to find that it needed a password, "God damn, does this boy need a password to everything" I whispered to myself.

"Hey Izz, Izzy! Izzy, Jeffrey Dean Isbell" I called out.

In response he groaned, he hated when I used his full name.

"What" He whined.

"Help me" I stomped, pointing to the computer.

"Oh my God! It's literally just your name with "Rose" at the end" He explained in the process of walking away.

"Wait, huh?" I asked with concern.

Rose? Why the hell would the password be my name and then Rose at the end?

"Yeah, Will changed it last night, I don't know something about 'he will remember it so much better' " He said with a shrug.

I smirked thinking to myself, Will's last name wasn't Rose, maybe he thought 'Rose' fit me, who knows.

I logged into the computer, successfully.

The first opened tab was 'Restaurants near me' I shook my head as I giggled then another one 'What's the coolest band name' I could've helped him with that and then the third one.

Caught my eye.

My eyes glued to the document on the computer.

Pictures of me and Will through pre-k all the way through high school, Why does he have these?

He couldn't have been looking them this whole time today? What.

"Hey Izzy, come here for a sec" I called again.

"Yo" He said behind me.

"Why does Will have all of these pictures of me and him?" I asked looking at him then the computer.

I watched him smile as he covered it with his thumb under his chin and index on his lip.

"Uh, i'm not sure Lorie" He answered.

I bit my lip as I squinted at the pictures of us, Will has always been attractive. I can't lie either, me too.

Once Will finished, I got ready and we were soon out of the door walking to this place.

"How do you know we aren't gonna get murdered, this is fucking Hollywood" I questioned Will.

He chuckled "We won't, Izzy knows this guy"

We continued walking as it got humid by the second.

I could see Will looking at me every so often by the corner of my eyes "You look good" He grinned.

"I know" I responded feeling our arms rub against each other, we might've been too close, who cares though.

I heard him sigh as he looked down at me. I smirked continuing to look forward.

We finally reached the music venue as we walked towards the guys guarding the doors.

"We're here to perform" Will said firm.

The guards moved out of the way as we entered by them covering the doors again, I felt myself getting nervous as we got closer to the room.

"You'll be fine" Will said before opening the doors.

1 guy sat there in a chair looking impatient as we entered the room, he gave us a quick smile.

"Let's see what you got" The guy said looking towards me.

Looking at Will he backed up moving towards the doors as he looked at me with a 'you've got this' look as he leaned his foot against the door.

I nodded my head as I closed my eyes hearing the man tap his pen on his leg.

I started the lyrics feelings the adrenaline kick in as I tried to move around a bit, performance is key. I sang the notes as I hit them turning to Will I saw he already had a grin formed on his face as he gave me a teethy smile once he noticed I turned to him, I looked back at the guy seeing that he was moving his head to my words as he had a satisfied smile, I felt myself getting excited as I let lose and did my famous moves, dancing to myself.

"Ok, stop" He shouted.

I stopped feeling the adrenaline slow down as I thought about what he would say.

He smiled as he got up and clapped, then Will clapped. I smiled as I jumped up and down.

"That was great! You're going to be huge" The man shouted.

"She really is" Will also said.

I smiled back at Will feeling all the emotions hit me. Huge? Was I really?

"Can I ask, who is she to you?" The man asked Will.

"My girlfriend" Will smiled.

I looked at him side eyed in confusion.

"Wow" The man exclaimed "She's beautiful, and so is her voice"

Will smiled as he hugged me from behind.

Soon after Will, we were excepted to the music community, the man promised to help guid us through everything and even excepted Will's band, now I need to find myself a band.

We exited the place as I nudged Will.

"Girlfriend?" I questioned.

He looked at me "The man seemed creepy, so I said you were my girlfriend instead" He said in a 'duh' tone.

I giggled "Sure Will"

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