Chapter 2: What the Tapestry Reveals

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Otto's voice rose almost three octaves and he turned paler than death, staggering backward, looking extremely faint. His breaths constricted and he took off his glasses and fell against the doorframe, a haunted glaze in his eyes. "I destroy Evermoor?"

"No!" Bella said desperately, spinning back to the tapestry. "I'm sure that's not it! The...the tapestry just...made a mistake! Another snoot, perhaps! It can be wrong, can't it, Tara?" She twisted toward her sister desperately. 

The tapestry doesn't make mistakes, only predictions. Bridget's words flooded Tara's mind. If the tapestry says something is to be, then so it shall. "Of...of course," she lied, hearing her tone hitch. "I'm sure there's nothing to worry about, Otto. We know you're not capable of destroying Evermoor."

"Thanks, Tara." He looked up and gave her a small, desperate smile. "But you don't have to lie. I've been around a lot longer than you two, remember? I know how the tapestry works. I know what it means." He looked at his hands as though imagining them catching fire and destroying the town.

"Well, then we have to make sure that doesn't happen," Bella said, coming over and wrapping him in a reassuring hug. Instead of leaning into it as he typically did, he unconsciously pulled away, stopping only when he was a safe arms-length away from the blond. His expression was wrenched with panic and Bella's, no matter how much she fought it, appeared the same.  "No matter what happens, we're with you."

"We should go," the snoot said anxiously, pushing her away and making a beeline for the door. "We shouldn't stay here any longer."

Sensing his panic, Tara and Bella hurried after him. He didn't wait for them, and in fact, neither girl had ever seen him move so quickly. He blew past the living room, startling the others who had moved to the couches and were contentedly beginning to warm up, and was out the front door without so much as a glance behind him. The moment he hit the threshold, he transformed and took off toward the heavens. In moments he was nothing more than a speck on the horizon.

"Otto!" Tara shouted, hitting the main room first, sprinting toward the door, nearly knocking over a shocked Cameron who had risen at the snoot's hasty retreat, yanking her coat from the hanger and pulling on her boots to follow. "Otto, wait for us!"

The others sat up at this, glancing from Tara and Bella to the open door and back again.

"Tara?" Sorsha inquired, frowning. "What's going on?"

"It's Otto!" Tara replied, ducking as Bella lunged over her head for her coat. "The tapestry predicted something. He's not taking it well!"

"Well, what are we waiting for?" Cam asked, vaulting over the edge of the couch and hurrying to put on his galoshes, followed quickly by Sorsha and Seb.

"Otto!" Sorsha called, reaching the door and leaping headlong into the snow once more.

"Otto!" Bella yelled, following close behind. The snoot was nowhere to be seen but that didn't discourage the girl from shouting. "OTTO!"

"I don't get it!" Cameron exclaimed as they trudged through the knee-deep snow. "What could the tapestry possibly predicted that could have him in such a tizzy?"

"It predicted the destruction of Evermoor!" Tara explained.

"That's it?" Seb's brows furrowed. "That...doesn't seem all that bad. I mean, we've all heard that one before and we stopped it."

"Yeah," Tara huffed, momentarily tripping in a hole, her legs jerked out from underneath her. "Except it also predicted Otto would be the one to destroy it."

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