Your fiancée's dad

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You found out Draco has been cheating on you for the past 2 months. You were devastated. Especially since you and Draco were going to get married in less then 2 weeks.
With Lucius malfoy he had just go out of his marriage with narcissa considering he didn't feel the same for her.
Lucius malfoy has been playing on your mind recently like how he did when you first met him when you and Draco were just friends. When you first met him you thought he was hot a fuck. You thought he was an absolute dilf (He still is). Now that your thoughts are back you can barely sleep. Cause all your mind is is Lucius. You knew it was wrong to think of your fiancée's dad but you couldn't help it he's just so hot.

His voice it's so attractive his eyes so dreamy his personality you love it. You love him. Even tho you try and try to convince yourself your not.

One night you thought why don't I go visit him and tell him about what Draco's doing especially since it's with pansy. Lucius has never liked pansy he all ways said she was annoying and talked to much.
You however got along with pansy but when you saw her kissing your fiancé you felt betrayed. When you first met her you got bad vibes but ignored it cause Draco said she was a good person.
So you ignored it.

Then you thought I'll go visit him tomorrow I mean I have no plans set there's no point in staying in bed anyway. Plus you wanted to see Lucius so badly. You can't explain how hot he is without a full list. I mean you could go on forever.

He really was quite the people's person tho he did get along with people who weren't muggles. He was nice when he wanted to. He was nice to you. Especially you.
Draco found it really weird. His wife constantly gave you dirty looks when Lucius was nice to you. She didn't like how you got more attention then her.

No matter how hard you tryed to get on her good side. It always failed.

You finnaly went to sleep making fake senerios in your head about you and Lucius.

Time skip
The next day

You woke up and of course Draco wasn't there like usual. You decided to have a shower considering you want to go visit Mr malfoy. So you went to the bathroom and took your clothes of and hopped in the shower. You did your hair, shampooed it twice, conditioned it,and did shower jell. Once you got out your dryed yourself and your hair you had to pick an outfit. The hardest part you didn't know what to wear at all like at all. Finnaly you picked an outfit

For women/non binary people that were woman's clothing: black polo shirt with a black skirt, fishnet tights,and black platform boots
For men/non binary people who where men's clothing: a black suit and a White shirt underneath and whatever shoes you want (your also where a a tie)

Once you got your outfit on you left with coat/jacket (idc which). If your honest you absolutely hate walking and it's really far to the malfoy manner so you used a spell to teleport yourself there. "Apparition". Now your a few feet from the malfoy manner. You went up to the door and knocked.

The person you wanted to answer didn't...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2022 ⏰

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