chapter 1 Alexandra

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So I've lived in Minnesota  almost all my life. Population, unknown  to me. It's not something  I try to keep up with. You would probably have a different  story if you saw me. I look like your typical nerd. Glasses, bad wardrobe choices. By the way my name is Alexandra but you  can call me alex.
My  home life consists  of my two older brothers who are twins, Devon and Dylan. Who might I add pick on me everyday. Not physically  but emotionally. As if I don't get picked on enough  at school, but I'm getting  ahead of myself.
Then there are my parents, my mother Allison who is more beautiful than any women in the world and the most sweetest. My father Grayson who is equally beautiful and as nice.
So know that you kind of know me and my family we can get on with the story.

"Alexandra if you don't get your but down here and come eat breakfast  I'm going to give it to the dogs!" My mother yelled.
I raced down the stairs to a large room in which we called the dining  room where my two older brothers were already sitting and ravishing their breakfast. I grabbed my plate from the counter and began to eat. My brother's  began to laugh and mutter something  under their  breath. Most likely they were talking about me but I just ignored them and ate my food as quickly as I could. When I finished I ran back up stairs, took a shower, and got dressed. And let's just say what I was dressed in would make you think I was  a boy especially since I pretty much don't have boobs. But I'm glad really cause then more kids at school would give me more attention  than I already do and I don't need it.
My life is boring let's just get it out there now. So don't think my story is going to wow you because it probably won't.
"Alex, can you please come to the board and work this problem out?" Mrs. Turner asked.
I really hated when she called me to the board or asked me the answer. She already knew I would have the correct answer or could solve the problem.  But my class is filled with a bunch of dumbasses. Sorry for the language but I call them as I see them.
I slowly walked towards the board, hating  every agonizing minute. All eyes on me which is why I hate being  in front of everyone. As I worked the problem out I heard laughter behind me, not to loud but loud enough where I could hear them. Then I heard snickering.
"Can you believe that Alexandra is a girl, she dresses like she wants to be a boy." Bailey said.
By the way Bailey is one of the mean girls that torments me everyday. She is head cheerleader and probably  the hottest girl here if you ask for the male point of view. I acted as if I didn't hear her and wrote the answer on the bottom of the board. Mrs. Turner nodded to me and I made my way back to my seat. As I was walking one of Bailey's  cheer friends muttered, " Cat got your tongue?"
I ignored her also because  if I show defeat then they think they won and I will never give them the satisfaction. Classes went on as usual, a few heckling classmates, praise from all my teachers except my athletic coach. Eating lunch alone and now the bus ride home.
I really do enjoy the bus because  I get away from my brother's and practically no one rides except  4 other people. I put my earbuds in and drowned out all the noise. It was one of my favorite  escapes from reality, music was so soothing and relaxing. As we drove from street to street I wondered what awaited me when I got home. The bus finally stopped at my house and I was only to excited to get off and get to my lovely room. While walking to my house I caught a glimpse of my neighbor walking out of his house to his car. His name is Jamie Masters, football quarterback, bad boy of the school, and secretly  I have a big crush on him. Well I'm probably not the only one but I definitely  stalk him on social media. But the thing with Jamie is he doesn't date he just sleeps with everyone. Or at least that's what I heard. Plus he doesn't date underclassmen. So I guess I'm screwed either way.

Authors  note:

So I know this is probably a suckie  beginning it will get  better and if not I will delete the story. So bare with me please I'm trying to publish a chapter every other day if I can. This story has not been edited  so there are probably  all kinds of mistakes. Thanks for reading and please any feedback is great.

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