chapter 2: Jamie's Loser

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As I got to my room I hurriedly started to do my homework. Finishing  up all assignments that were due tomorrow. When I finished  I went down to the dining  room to grab something  to eat. I took the food outside and sat on the porch looking out to our neighborhood. I started to eat when all of a sudden Jamie's car pulled into his drive. He opened  the door and music started to blare out. He turned the car off and got out and slammed the door as if he was angry. He made his way back to the front and seemed to be talking to himself not thinking anyone was listening to him. As he was walking up his stairs he turned his head towards my porch. His eyes widened for a moment but then his smug look came back to his face.
"What are you looking at loser?" Jamie asked.

"Nnnothing! I wasn't looking at anything!" I exlaimed. I was actually hurt by him calling me a loser but I let it slide off my back.

He laughed.
"Don't lie loser I've caught you looking at me before, so don't try to deny it." He said.

"I'm not lying, and plus I could give a rats ass what your  doing. I was minding my own business, eating my supper. So why don't you just shut up and go inside your house!" I said with a mean tone.

"Wow loser actually  has a back bone. Oh and by the way don't tell me to shut up!" Jamie exclaimed.

" I can say what I want to you this is my porch and you don't control  what happens on this side, I do." I said.

He looked taken aback as if no one has ever talked to him that way. Especially by a loser like  me. He composed himself and smirked at me as If I didn't already see him make the face he did.

" By the way why are so angry. Plus why were you talking to yourself?  I asked.
His faced changed from a smirk to what seemed like pure anger. I thought to myself this is  how I'm going to die.

"I thought you said you  didn't see anything." Jamie said.

"I didn't  see anything, so why don't you just  go in your house and shut up already." I said as nicely as I could.

He laughed. " I'm going inside but not because you told me to but because  I'm tired if this childish game. Goodnight loser!"

As he went inside I know my face turned red. I still can't believe I let him get under my skin like that. Even my brother's snarky comments don't get to me like that. I stood on the porch for a little while longer still reeling from the weird conversation. It's like he was toying with me just because  he new he could. Whatever, I have to be ready for tomorrow  we have a test. When  I got back to my room I lay in my bed thinking of the first Conversation we had. It wasn't the best but at least he noticed me.

I woke up the next day and had a really bad headache. Of all days to get sick so that  means  I either tough it out or stay home. Walking  down  the stairs my headache  seemed to get worse. My brother's must have left for school already because their plates where left empty on the table. I walked into the kitchen where my mother was and she looked at me as If I had grown another  head.

"Where  have you been I've been calling you for thirty minutes to come eat your breakfast!" My mother said.

" I just had a really long night." I said.

"Well whatever  it was take this and eat it so you can catch the bus." My mother said.

I grabbed the plate scarfed down as much food as I could. Then I ran upstairs  took a quick shower, got dressed and ran down the stairs out the door. I kept waiting  for what seemed like forever when all of a sudden Jamie pulled up in front of me.

"Loser what are you waiting  on?" Jamie asked.

"Not that it is any of your information but I'm waiting  on the bus!" I exlaimed.

"The bus came like 20 minutes ago loser, your late." Jamie said.

Now I felt really  stupid standing in front of my house waiting  for a bus that was never going to come. He kept looking at me with his stupid smirk and it was really agitating. I kept thinking I'm late and if I walk there I can be there in 40 minutes tops. I started to walk away from Jamie towards the school but he then started  to follow me with his car.

"You know it would be a lot quicker if you got in my car loser!" He yelled from his car.

"I was taught not to take rides from strangers dumbass." I said with a little fear in my voice.

His smirk came off his face quickly and he had a somewhat angry face that appeared.  But just as quickly as that face was their his same old smug smirk came back.

"Look loser if you don't get in my car by the time you walk there you will miss your test in class, so what will it be?" He asked.

I was felling like shit so I didn't have time to argue I got into his vehicle and we drove off to school. He put his music on but only were it was barely audible. We stayed in silence the whole way there until he parked his car.
"So what do you have to say?" He asked.
"Thank you dumbass!" I said.
"Your welcome loser." He said.

As I got out of his car and walked towards the school building I really hated that he called me that. But what could I say to him he would either make fun of me or call me something worse. By the time I got to my second period class I was really feeling this sickness taking over me. I was almost to the classroom when I felt myself falling and after that everything went blank.
I could feel someone slapping my face
As I slowly came back to conciousness  I could see about 20 faces above me. But only one of them that actually looked worried about me. It was none other than Jamie and his face looked like he was actually concerned about me.
"Hey Alexandra are you okay?" He asked.
"I'm fine, I just passed out I guess." I said trying to sound like nothing was wrong.
"Now you and me both know that that was a lie." He said.
"Then why did you ask me?" I asked.
"I don't know I thought you would be truthful, but I guess I was wrong." He said.

I tried getting up but the grip of his arms on me seemed to tighten on me and there was no way of me getting away. He told everyone to move on that the show was over. And in minutes everyone disappeared and it was only him and I in the hallway.

"Know I'm taking you to the emergency room just to make sure you are fine and there is no ifs, ands, or buts, about it." He said.
I just shook my head as he led me to his car. As we drove to the hospital silence was in the air but I could feel his eyes on me. My head was pounding harder  than before and I was feeling more sick as we got closer to the hospital. Once we got there he checked me in and filled out the paperwork and probably lied on most of it. They took me back and the doctor checked everything. He also  gave me a flu test which you could guess that I was positive. So that meant I will be staying home for a few days. Yeah me.
They prescribed me some pills and sent me home. I headed back to Jamie's car were he waited for me. He looked at me with relief but still had worry in his eyes.
"I'm fine, I just have the flu." I said.

"Oh, just the flu, that means your sick and I bet you felt bad this morning  to. You just didn't want anybody to know." He said.

"That's why you were late this morning. I knew there had to be something wrong you are never late." He said.
I wanted to fight back and tell him he was lying but I couldn't I was just to tired. We took off in his car towards the pharmacy and picked up my pills. After that we headed home to my wonderful home. He cut off his car and got out. He came around and opened my door and helped me out of his car like I was some kind of child. He walked me up the stairs to my front door and handed me my pills.

"You know what the doctor  told you so make sure you stay your butt home! Got it?" He said.
"Yeah I get it I can't go to school. Goodnight." I said tired of all the talking.
"Goodnight." He said.

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