Off to our Common Rooms

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Me and the rest of the Marauders had spent hours going over in fine detail what exactly the plan was for tomorrow and how we were going to pull off the prank without getting caught. It was a risky plan and by far the biggest prank we had attempted on pulling off yet, but we were ready to make Hogwarts history.

Once we had decided that everything was planned out and ready for tomorrow, we all left the Room of Requirements and started heading off to our dorms as it was already past dark and if we were seen out of bed now, by one of the teachers we'd have detention for a week.

Me and Bella decided to walk together to our separate house dormitories, we walked in a comfortable silence through the dark corridors of the school.

Yet when we met the stairs that would lead down to the dungeons for Bella so she could get to Slytherin and the corridor that would lead to Ravenclaw for me, Bella still kept a hold of my hand and she didn't leave.

"Bells, you've got to get to your room before you get into trouble," I whispered as quietly as I possibly could to her, to try and reason with her but she didn't listen to me and instead said, "And what about you, it's the same for you as it is for me, plus I'm not going to miss an opportunity to stay out of bed longer, especially if it's with you."

After that she started to tug on my hand, pulling me down the corridor that would lead to the Ravenclaw common room. I couldn't deny that I did love it when she did things like this for me, it always warmed my heart, but always as a friend never as anything more, at least I don't think so.

Finally after another two minutes of walking me and Bella came to the Ravenclaw portrait, "So this is where we say goodnight," I told her, as I smiled brightly towards. "It is, night Lila," She smiled, her's as equally bright as my own, using the nickname that she only used.

"Night Bells sleep tight," I spoke and then gave her a tight goodnight hug, and soon she then started walking back down to the dungeons, as I stood staring at where she had just been standing smiling like an idiot.
Hey everyone, here's another update I just wanted to do a cute little filler chapter with Bella and Acellia before we start to move onto the more important chapters. Anyway, as always make sure to vote and comment as always. Until next time fellow readers.

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