its her OMG .

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After dimisal soraki meets up with his guild and she leads him to the lake. Soraki go's and sits in the gazebos and she sits next to soraki . soraki notices her gradually sloping her hand closer to his. Soraki grabed her hand and she jumps a little bit .Soraki notices a ring on her finger. Soraki remembered that is the ring soraki gave to that girl soraki gave my life to. Soraki walked over to the benches and sit down pollen goes bye my nose . right before soraki sneezes a girl kisses him and when soraki opens his eyes . soraki sees that its his guild soraki closed his eyes agian and hug her . He wispers in her ear i didnt ever forget you . she pulls him closer and crys on his shoulder saying "why did you leave". He said "he will never leave her ever agian".

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2015 ⏰

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