Episode 6: The Cold-Blood King

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The Ice Emperor, Silther, still remained in his throne, as Dark Spyro knew he failed to bring Malefor to their side. And they're powerful serpents were defeated easily.

Dark Spyro: "You fail again, my Emperor. Malefor did not join our side and our serpents aren't strong enough to defeat the Fire Birds, and Spyro and his friends."

Silther: "They might have gotten Malefor to join their sides, but we have the secrets to the Fire and Ice War. I have the knowledge of how it started, and I need more to learn. That's why I know who can help us defeat our warm-blooded enemy. And I have been sent to find the serpent with a great mind of science."

Then a reflection appears from the ice, Brainkenstein, and tells his Ice Emperor about their digging of finding. Silther and Dark Spyro went and arrived where Brainkenstein is as he shows them their finding.

Mr. Brainkenstein: "We have found what we were searching for. The genius serpents who can help us defeat our warm-blooded enemy."

Silther: "Show me." As he wanted to see.

Brainkenstein showed him, and they found the helmet that was shaped like a snake head, and Silther knew they had found the serpent they were searching for.

Dark Spyro: "Are you sure this serpent is gonna help us?" He asked to Silther.

Silther: "The serpent is a brilliant scientist. He will help us create a powerful army."

At the Fire Birds' Tomb, Malefor has become a Fire Warrior and the D-Team have mastered the Cobra Song thanks to Aiko.

Aiko: "So, you guys are now ready to play the flute. But remember just use it when you are surrounded or in a corner."

They understand and are ready to return to Dragon City, as Nina stays to ask her some questions. And Zoran wonders why she's staying behind.

Zoran: "Sis, are you coming?"

Nina: "You guys can go, tell dad I'll be home in a minute." As she told her brother.

Zoran and their friends agree, and return home. Nina returns to where Aiko was. And she sees her coming.

Aiko: "Are you going back home?" She asked.

Nina: "Actually, I just wanted to ask. Something about your-"

Aiko: "I know, you can ask as many questions as you want about the Fire Birds."

Nina: "It's not about the Fire Birds. It's about your parents."

Then Aiko paused, and asked why she wanted to know about her parents.

Aiko: "What about my parents?"

Nina: "Where did they meet before the war that begins?"

Aiko: "Well, my mother told me where she and father met." As she told the story. "They both met each other outside your world where there was no war between Fire Birds and Ice Serpents. They spent time together at the beach where oceans shine from the sun and wanted to get married. That's when the Fire and Ice War begins. When the Ice Serpents were buried, they got married in this tomb where I was born. But sometimes I wanted to go outside to see the real world filled with greenland and blue skies. But my father said it was dangerous. The outsiders with greed and anger have battles of their own. War, destruction, and traitors. It's why we all have to stay hidden, keeping our existence safe.

Nina: "Is that what your parents told you?"

Aiko: "Everyone told me when I was a child. But when you and the outsiders found and came to our home, you guys were nice and emotional. And someday, maybe I can go out in the world to see the skies that my mother told me about. But not today. Only time can tell when I'm ready to leave."

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