Chapter 3: One year later...

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Carlisle pov
( one week before Bella's birthday)
One year. . It's been one year since Ambrosia came back. She is a wonderful person, almost like a mother or aunt to me and my family. Well Edward and Alice don't seem to like her. Rosalie loves her same as Emmet. Jasper seems visabily calmer and more stable. Two often talks for hours about the past he truly loves her stories. Esme and Ambrosia get along fantasticly and have a sisterly bond with each other. Ambrosia cares about us truly but Alice told us about a vision she had.


Glass shattered as Alice gasped dropping the mugg of hot coco she was about to give Bella. Jasper speed to her after handing up the phone call with Ambrosia,held her hand. But she snatched her hand away and smirked but for it quickly turned into a bright smile." Family meeting everyone, your gonna want to hear this" she said confidently. As everyone entered the room except Rosalie." Where's rose she needs to be here too" Alice said impationtly. Bella huffed and whined out" she's with Ambrosie or whatever her name is. They went shopping in north". Alice frowned as Bella thought' why does Roaslie like her so much she hates me but loves that fat h** I hate her so much. She doesn't deserve this treatment I do. I'm pretty, smart and super funny so why doesn't Rosalie love me. Even Jasper loves her I hat her son much".
( wow she can think never know 🧐🤯🤔)
"You can tell her when she gets back dear. Ambrosia was teaching Rose how to make baby clothes for the local foster homes and orphanages. Isn't that sweet. She is such a great role model for them" Esme smiled proudly as Carlisle chuckled at his mate. ALice growled quietly and rolled here eyes as the door opened, revealing Rosalie and Ambrosia with a lot a bags. Emmet and Jasper speed over to them and grabbed the bags out of their arms." Thank you so much Jas my arms where killin me hun" Ambrosia said with a gorgeous smile. Jasper nodded and he and emmet but the put the bags up in rose and emmets room." I love your outfit Ambrosia it amazing. Did you make this one or buy it" Esme said as she hugged her.

 Did you make this one or buy it" Esme said as she hugged her

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"Yeah I made it and the corset top was a little more challenging

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"Yeah I made it and the corset top was a little more challenging. Sorry I have to go the kitties need me. Bye bye darlings " Ambroise said smiling. Emmet, Rosalie, jasper, Carlisle and Esme hugged her and walked her out. As they walked back in Alice continued " I had a vision about Ambrosia she was with the voltori. We can't trust her she is a spy for them. She folded them about Bella and they killed all of us. We have to keep her quiet or when well tell them and get us all killed"." You just want her gone Alice so stop making things up-" Rosalie shouted. Esme quickly got between them" now girl calm down. Now Alice are you sure that is what you have seem" she said gently as Carlisle joined Esme.

One week later: Bella's birthday at school

Ambrosia POV:

"Good morning young people! Today is just a make up day so don't worry about that you will be getting your grade review soon. So please use this time wisely I will right here for help" I said smiling gently. Hands raised for help mostly boys. I sighed but went to help them. I can feel Edward and Bella's glare on my back. After I finished helping the students I went to my test and opened a book.

Timeskip:1hr before Bella's party

Rose invited me to Bella's b-day party. Ugh I'm gonna need a drink or two. . . or three. I shower and get dresses. I lady always dresses her best as momma always said.

(Ignore the hair in the picture plzz)

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(Ignore the hair in the picture plzz)

I finish my hair and light makeup and smile. 'Gourgous as always Rosia'. I telopart to the car " bye babies mama will be back soon" they chirped and played down.

At the party

I get out the party with a small box in hand. Before I can knock Esme opens opens the door and let's me in." Hey Esme how are ya hun"." Fine Rosia just happy your here" she smiled and we walk up stairs." What is she doing her Carlisle" Bella snarled." What can't celabrite my nieces 18th birthday"." You are NOT my aunt you homewreaker" Bella said turning red. I chuckled " oh hun trust me when I say the only reason I'm here is because of rose and Esme wanted me to come for support. So hursh up and take this girt you f***ing brat. So listen to me when I say this I DONT GIVE A F*** about your little attuide towords me but you will respect me, your father, Carlisle and Esme. Now do I make myself clear hun " I said calmly with a very earry smile. Bella' gulps and Edward weakly hisses at me only to stop when I glare at him. I hand Bella the small box and walk back to Esme." Here let me help ya darling". The room was quiet and soon the party resumed.

Soon the presents where being opened as she get to my gift she looked at me suspicisly. I only smile and nodded. In the box was a small bracelate with butterfly's.

Bella looks at the bracelate and scoffs

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Bella looks at the bracelate and scoffs. "Is this it. I bet its fake. Edward gave me a real diamond necklace for my birthday and you give me a children's toy " Bella whines and complains about the bracelate as Edward and Alice agreed. I smile turned in to a frown and I snapped my fingers. The bracelate melted in her hand burning her as she screamed dramadicly." Oh poor bella open the next one dear " I said drinking my wine smirking. Bella being the a clumsy b**** cuts her finger and acts clueless. So I act clueless too......


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