Thumb War (Kiaya)

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Kiana's Point of View:

Lately, I've been playing one of the most intense games ever with Maya. That game being...

"MJ! Ready for another THUMB WAR?" That's right, the classic thumb war game.

You may be asking, "How did this happen?" Well...


"Maya!" I called out to her in the hallway, catching up to her through the crowd of the hormonal teenage boys that were in my way. Blegh.

She looked up at me and said with a little smirk, "Yo Kiki, what's up?"

I made a disgusted face and felt myself sulk a bit. "Not Kiki... Why Kiki..."

Maya chuckled and patted my shoulder. "It's a funny nickname that Zolais gave you, that's why. Besides, I told you that I was never, ever, going to live that moment down. ..Anyway, what did you want to tell me?"

"Oh! Right, I almost forgot. So, I was just going to ask you if you wanted to have a thumb war!"

She stared at me with disinterest. "... That's.. That's it? Just a thumb war? No thanks.." She started to turn away.

"Yeah, with a reward included-" I said, looking off to the side.

She turned back to me with interest. "What's the reward?"

"The winner gets to make the loser do anything for them." I cheekily smiled at her.

"Anything? Like, 'buy me a brand new PC' anything?"

"Yep. Any-"

"I'm in."


Now, back to the present...

"MJ! Ready for another THUMB WAR?" I shouted at her.

"Yeah! This time I'll win AGAIN and make you buy my dinner." She grinned at me and held out her hand. "Game on."

"Don't get too cocky now," I grabbed her hand. "I'm going to win this time."

So then we began our thumb war contest.

"You're..cheating..!" She was desperately trying to free her thumb whilst I was pushing down on it with a bit of force.

"No I'm not," I laughed. "It seems like I'm going to win after all! One, two.." I started to count to ten as she tried to escape.

"Damn it! You only won because of your powers. Super strength, pssh." Maya's annoyed face made me laugh, as it's a funny thing to see.

Honestly, I only presented this to her because I wanted to spend more time with her.. aaand maybe hold her hand, I don't know- this is probably the closest I can get to hold her hand. I stare at Maya. I wonder if she knows that I like her or not. Probably not, but she and I sometimes do some gay stuff from time to time. It makes me think of what we could be if we were dating. Prom's coming up too.. I wonder if I should ask her.. Hm..-

"Kiana.. Kiana! You good?" And with that, I snap out of my trance.

"Oops, sorry. I was spacing out."

"I can tell," she said before looking at the time (on her laptop). "It looks like our time is up, some good deals in Calleroxys popped up and I want'em." She closed her laptop.

"Ouch MJ, video games are more important than me?"

"Of course they are," she smiled. "But hey, tell me what you want later, I'll see you tomorrow."

"Sounds good, bye Maya!" I waved to her as she was walking to the door.

She turned back to me and looked at me for a moment; a smile appeared on her face before she raised a hand and turned back around.

"Bye Ki." She opened the door. As I watched her walking out, I swear that there was a fade blush on her cheeks.

Maya's Point of View:

I'm home now, eating my pizza and playing Calleroxys at 10:00pm as a notification pops up from Discord. I'm guessing that it's Kiana, so I open the message. I was right, it's her. I read the new message..s?





Finally. I type back.

"okay, tell me"

I watched as she typed. .. She stopped. Damn it Ki, just type it out and send it already.

"Go outside"

"what, why"

"Something's waiting for oyu




.. What could possibly be waiting for me outside?

"okay, comin"

I grab my jacket and head for the door. Opening it, I see Kiana holding up a poster. It's pretty dark, but I can read the writing..


No way..

"Maya! Please, go to prom with me! I'd really like it if-" She started to speak, but I was already running straight to her. I hugged her tightly.

"Yes. I will. Even if you asked me without winning, I would." There was a silence that fell inbetween us. Then, I felt her drop the poster and wrap her arms around me.

"It kind of just popped into my head, so.. I decided to act upon it."

"Did you think I'd say no?"

"No, I just wanted to make sure you wouldn't," she giggled. 

"Dummy," I laughed out.

We stayed outside for a while, embracing each other. It's crazy, isn't it? A childish thumb war.. all led up to this...

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