Dinner with the Hudsons: Lily

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My mother knocked on the spruce french doors. A man in a sharp suit opened it. "You're 13 seconds late." My mother started to apologize but Daddy cut her off. "Hm. Indeed we are." Daddy said. "Soufflé for dinner. I'm Ace, by the way. A pleasure to meet you." "Pleasure is all ours-" I start but my mouth hangs open as I see the boy behind Ace. "Is there something wrong darling?" "N-no," I whimper as my legs start to feel like jello. Ace invites us into his home, but the boy holds me back. "Nice thong," he whispers, Canines grazing my ear. I shivered at his touch. "Well, come on into my room." He exclaims starting up the spiral staircase. "O-oh, I don't know my mother's expecting me..." "FATHER, THE LADY IS ACCOMPANYING ME IN THE COMMON ROOM." I snicker at his vocabulary but manage to keep my mouth shut. He takes my hand, and his soft skin surprises me. "You know, girls rarely ever come up here." the boy exclaims. I laugh, "Yeah ri-" I start to say but all of a sudden his plump pink lips are latched onto mine, his deep breaths making me weak. "WAIT-" I stop him, my breath heavy, his chest heaving in and out. "What's your name?!" I practically yelled. "w-what?" he asks surprised. "Yeah! you take me up here, practically stalk me, then make out with me. And the name part surprised you?" I exclaim. "I'll spell it out." His hand is on my thigh, it's cold but still soft. His fingers trail up my leg until his  fingers are outside my thong. He traces out the letter G, and I can feel my pussy tingling. "G-g-g?" I manage to say. "Good girl," he says, a smirk stretching across his face. His fingers slip into my thong as I moan. "I'll just tell you because your body is torturing me. Grey. Grey Hudson." I whimper as he placed me between his legs. "Is this alright?" He practically groans as I nod and slide down farther. His hand is massaging my clit. I almost scream but his left-hand covers my mouth. He slips in a third finger and I can't help but moan. "fine. I'm taking you to my room. Because you can't handle keeping your mouth shut." I act mad, but my stomach is filled with butterflies. I feel myself start to sweat as he holds me tight through the hallway. He puts me on his bed and lifts my dress. I pull down my thong and look at him with wide eyes. The silence is so loud so I do something bad. something I knew I'd regret. I held out my two fingers and started to touch myself.

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