Chapter 2 meeting the madrigals

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[Y/n] POV - Once I made it to Encanto I was happy "Finally I'm here!!" I said stretching "Now where do I find the madrigals?" I said

A lil girl walked up to me and said "cool horse you have there!" "Heh thanks." I said "Hey do you by any chance know where the madrigals live or are at?" I asked she nodded and point to the big house on the other side of the town. "Thanks piccolo(lil one)." I said as I jumped on Ora and rode him to the house at the other end of town.

Once I got to a barn area I asked the guy working there if he could take in my horse for a while. He agreed and took him in. I left some money behind for payment and continued walk until I got to the house and knocked on the door.

Someone open the door she was wearing yellow and orange dress with orange ish hair put into a braid "Hello?" She said "Hi are one of the madrigals?" I asked she nodded and I answered "I'm [Y/n] [L/n]." She seemed to be shocked once I said my [L/n]. "[Y/n] [L/n?" She asked. "Yeah." I said "Could your dad possibly be Hugo [L/n]?" "Yeah.. that was my dads name but.. I never really met him considering he died." I said beginning to tear up but stoped when she said "Oh you poor thing.. but what brings you here in the town?" "Oh my mother sent me here considering I was old enough to travel." I said "But I don't have a place to stay."

"How about you live with us" the nice lady said "Oh right you can call me Pepa." "Okay now come come." She said while grabbing my arm. "EVERYONE WE HAVE A GUEST!!" She yelled.

Once everyone was down stairs near the door Mrs. Pepa pulled my in front of her as I yelped. "Everyone this is [Y/n] [L/n] son of Hugo [L/n]." She said letting my arm go. "Hello.." I said

Once everyone introduced themselves it was time to eat lunch so everyone grabbed a plate and Mirabel came up and said "Hey [Y/n] I can take you to where we're going to eat and where to get the food." "Oh okay." I said.

Once we got our food and sat down Mrs. Alma spoke "So [Y/n] what made you come here?" "Oh well my mother sent me here." I answered. "Very well. Mirabel are you okay with [Y/n] sleeping in your room?" Mrs. Alma asked

Camilo POV - Abuela ask Mirabel if it was okay if [Y/n] could sleep in her room "WHAT?!" I whispered to where no one could hear. Then Dolores spoke. "Or Camilo." "WhAt?" I said Abuela pitched in "Very well [Y/n] you will sleep in Camilo's room in separate beds of course." "Well I mean I guess." [Y/n] replied "Really sis?!" I whispered yelled to her "What? I seemed kinda jealous the Abuela ask mirabel." She replied in a whisper.

Once we all finished eating lunch Abuela asked me if I could show [Y/n] around the casita I agreed.

Camilo Madrigal x Male Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now