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bed sheets smell
of chlorine, my
mind is lost in a
maze of confusion.

"she's losing
too much blood!"
shouts a voice
i am too tired to

too tired to
do anything.
too tired to
move, too tired
to breathe. too
tired to try to
stop the blood.

i am
  f a l l i n g
in a cave of
 d a r k n e s s.

maybe there,
i will be healed.



"south lee, right?"

"yes. this is me. who is

"rose's mom."
"is everything okay?"
"no, it's not. you let my
daughter walk alone at night,
and now where is she? you
said you would take care of
her! how could you let this
happen to her?!"

"i-what? where is she?
what happened?"
"she got attacked. you didn't
know? i'm surprised."

"she said your name
while she was sleeping.
i thought you should know."

"i-i'll be there."

smile, rosemaryWhere stories live. Discover now