There is something about John

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John went on a rampage at school because everybody was being racist he went home furious. His mom asked what happened and he said "nothing" he silently went into his room to not get his mom mad and came up with a plan. The next morning he woke up smiling and thought about how good the plan would be so he put something in his book bag and got ready for school then he started to walk to school with his sister and she said "you seem especially happy today." and he said "well I thought of a plan I'm gonna do today" and his sister asked "what is it" and he told her she had a nervous look on her face and said "o-ok good luck" john was smiling they stepped in the school and John stopped smiling so he would not look suspicious, and they both went to class john was waiting for the perfect moment. One of the kids came up to John and made a racist joke, John chuckled and said "nice joke". John went into his backpack and ... POW POW POW HE SHOT EVERYBODY IN THE CLASS WITH A GUN  he started laughing as a security guard walked in to see the horrible mess that had happened. John went to court and they clarified him as guilty he went to jail for 30 years.

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