Before the Meet

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At one point in her life, she knew of nothing but to kill.  As far as she knew, she was the strongest demon around. Although word of mouth always hinted around "The Cursed King" Ryomen Sukuna. No one dared crossed his path and yet she wanted so badly to meet him. She craved danger. She lusted for how dangerous she knew he was. Despite her many attempts to grab his attention from the shadows, nothing seemed to work out for her. The toughest of demons had met their fate challenging Sukuna, Yua did not seem to be scared. She wanted to see if she would meet the same fate. She wanted to love someone, and even though she had never even seen Sukuna, she knew deep in her evil heart, he was what she wanted. She fantasized them together often, ruling over the demon race, murdering all who stood in their way in the human race. Her lust for loving Sukuna slowly turned into her craving him sexually...

Yua became one of the strongest demons in their realm, taking out anyone who defied her. She claimed her nickname as "The Cursed Queen" and she wore it well. Her siren eyes, and her seducing aura made humans crave for her to take them in any way she pleased. Yua enjoyed playing with her toys before disposing of them. She was truly cursed, yet she knew exactly what would get Sukuna's attention and she was prepared to do whatever it took...

(From inside Sukuna's realm):

He watched over her....smirking at how powerful she became. Patiently waiting to call to her and bring her directly to him. He knew she wanted his attention, and he was going to give her everything she desired. The way she carried herself turned him on the more he watched. She was really becoming the spitting image of him, and he had to have her. No one was allowed in Sukuna's presence and if they intruded anyway, it was automatic death for them. No questions asked. Sukuna knew that Yua did not know how to bring herself directly to his realm, and that made him even more intrigued to see if she would try and figure it out. He watched as she tortured demon after demon, questioning them on how she could get to him and they were always told to never say a word...resulting in their own deaths. 

(Back to Yua):

Yua was still on the hunt to get to Sukuna when she ran across a specific demon who was said to be the next strongest underneath Sukuna. She never questions her strength, but this demon knew things that she did not know of. With this in mind, she knew she had to get the information that she had been looking for for centuries....exactly how she was going to get to her man and convince him that he needed her as his Queen. Yua did not know that Sukuna was watching the entire time, and he knew what the outcome of this fight would be, yet he hesitated to interfere with anything until he absolutely needed to. Sukuna did not need the highest ranking demon under him to meet his death, and he also did not need his future Queen to meet her untimely death before he got his hands on her. The battle had yet to begin, but the war was definitely about to start...

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