part1 welcome to ani-travel 😌

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Like I started previously this is my first story so don't expect profection. There will be grammatical errors sooo if you have a problem with that please keep it to yourself or leave.❤️

Tw// homophobia (the f slur is present in this chapter you have been warned.)


Miss buggy's prov

Welcome to ani-travel. Today is the start of a new "school" year. Since today is your first year. You will meet some of your supervisors. The person to the left of me is zane he will take you to meet some of the other's. please note that students who graduated and wish to continue with this career usually join staff.

Zane's prov

("Bye now be safe."-buggy) hello nice to meet you as you heard earlier my name is zane. Welcome, so you guys must be the newbies this year. yk we only get about 60 new people ever year so y'all are super special. 🥺 Anyways please fallow me I'll take you to meet some of you other supervisors. While we walk I should probably mention that it would be in your best interest to mind your manners, some of the other's have very short tempers. Oh look we're almost there. if you have any questions please come to me I am part of the senior staff after all😌. (The newbies this year seem interesting).

And this is the main sitting area please make yourself at home while I go find my siblings they are the first people I want you to meet. Be respectful as they are also members of senior staff. ( I'm low-key not looking forward to this tho it may be entertaining.) 😒

Hey sunny! Yk what today is come with me to get mia Rose and doggit we have a new group to meet.

Sunny's prov

Uhhh... Do I have to. Nevermind don't answer that question. bro this is one of the part's of the job I hate the most. ("Oh well to bad for you"-zane) whatever bro😒. ("Oh shit! Sorry sunny can you handle this group for today I forgot I had to get the mission prepared for tomorrow"-z) really! you are a terrible older brother and I hate you😤 ("awwwww thanks I wuv you to. But I have to go soo... I'll buy you pizza later thanks again. byeee. 🥺"-z) ok so wtf just happened? I kinda want to skip but I want pizza so I guess I'll help him out just this once.

Oh look there's the rest of my siblings.
("yes he is talking to himself no he won't stop"- author.) ~Hellllllo nurse~ jkjk but foreal we have to go meet the new group that came in today. zane dumped his responsibility's on me so now I have to do most of the interacting. (I hate it here ngl.🖕🏼) ("But I'm In the middle of beating Mia in cards tho."-doggit) ("yeah sunny I'm in the middle of losing war rn so I don't want to go"-mia.) ("come on y'all stop being lazy we have work to do."-rose)
Fr y'all are being more extra than me when i loose my remote. Suck it up buttercup we have a job to do every if we don't want to. ("Fine we should go before we get introuble for not being quote unquote "punctual"🙄"-m)

Hey I'm sunny nice to meet you I'm Zane's brother, sadly he had business to attend to and had to leave early. Luckily for you tho I am also qualified to welcome new people. The three people next to me are Mia rose and doggit. Ik your thinking doggit has a funny name doesn't he.😏 now don't be shy y'all can laugh even tho he would never admit it he also thinks his name is funny. Hmmm now we should go over the basics but I'm sure y'all already know that stuff so I'm gonna skip straight to question's. Raise you hand if you have a question. ...You there the with the white shirt and flipflops ("yeah so do we all have to wear a crop top"-?) No. next question (I don't feel like dealing with this today) your up blonde with the grey shirt ( "so are you like gay or something"-?) Why does it matter if I'm gay or not. please reframe from asking questions about my sexuality. 😒 now that that's over next question. Go Pink shirt and blue/purple hair ("you didn't answer the question from earlier are you a f@g? you look so girly it's honestly disgusting."-?) ("Mc-xcuse ME BITCH!"-mia rose and doggit) (the sunny was to stunned to speak) wth bro really tbh I'm just curious did saying that make you feel better about your sad miserable life.🙄🖕🏼 Naw cause now I want to know. Like what was the reason. For your info my lovely blue haired bimbo I am gay. Meaning you don't have a chance with me. sorry to disappoint.🖕🏼(once we get to the training room. I'm Beating that bitch's ass.) this is finna be the last question for now umm how about you with the green and red glasses ("I have two questions first can I beat the bitch with the blue hairs ass second where are we going for our first mission."-?) Finally some good fucking questions firstly not yet and secondly where you go for your first mission is determined by the course you pick. I personally recommend picking beginner classes because you have all the way I till you graduate to pick stupid hard missions. Thank you for the question. Now that introductions and questions are out of the way. We shall proceed to the training hall. Y'all will have a tour of the rest of the building sometime later.

Finally we made it to the training Hall this is pyro he will be out referee for today and I will be all of y'all's opponent.❤️ We will be having a 1v1 match. The only rule is there are no rules. Jkjk the real rules are don't kill your opponent and don't leave a long-lasting injury. (Telling them the rules is kind of just wasting my time I doubt anybody in this group would be a real challenge for me.) 🤔

This was the first book that I ever really written so do forgive me if it's not perfect also I hate that stupid bimbo with the blue hair she get on my nerves it's like really late and I don't feel like spell checking or anything like that so this probably has a whole bunch of spelling mistakes and other grammatical errors but I really don't care at this point also I know my grammar sucks you don't have to flame me about it

Not counting my author's note I wrote 1069 words 😝👍🏼

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2022 ⏰

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